Multicultural Initiatives Informed Budget Process: FY 2013 IBP Progress Report & FY 2014 IBP Budget Request
FY 2013 IBP Progress Report For Projects Funded July 1, 2012 No projects funded from E & G dollars.
FY 2014 Base Request Full-time Secretary II, Multicultural Initiative – South City Campus Core Theme: Provide Accessible Student Services/Improve Student Access & Success $49,380 ($25,145 salary; $24,235 benefits) Justification: The student population at the South City campus has steadily grown in the last five years. This growth in physical numbers and ethnic diversity has put increased pressure on the Multicultural Initiatives department to improve its services and support by adjusting to the growth and the need for programming. Currently, having a part-time secretary makes it difficult to respond to the demands of the students. If we are going to keep pace with the growing diversity and provide meaningful educational programs, the office needs to have a full-time secretary in order to provide good customer service, write reports and handle all other clerical functions in support of the office and the Coordinator. Project Outcome Measurements By increasing the clerical support, the office will be better able to meet administrative duties and more fully is able to serve the needs of students an student groups, at the South City campus.
FY 2014 Base Request cont. Administrative Assistant, Multicultural Initiative – Taylorsville Redwood Campus Core Theme: Provide Accessible Student Services/Improve Student Access & Success $30, ($20, salary; $9, benefits) Justification : The incumbent Secretary III, who works in the Multicultural Initiatives office, is currently funded out of two indexes. The Student Life & Leadership department supports, in part, 75.4% of the total salary, totaling $30, With emphasis by the student body to have a more clearly defined and supportive student government, improved leadership and leadership opportunities and more diverse programming, additional dollars are needed to support these changes. Having the above mentioned dollars back in the operational budget helps the department move in a positive direction to meet the needs of students. Additionally, having the secretary’s position solidified with E & G funding ensures the stability needed to have solid administrative support in the MCI office at the Taylorsville Redwood campus. Project Outcome Measurements Moving to all E & G funding ensures stability of the position By returning the funds used to support this position to SL&L, will give their department additional funding for meeting their departmental goals.
FY 2014 One-Time Request Title: No request at this time. Core Theme: Strategic Priority I: Dollars requested: Justification Project Outcome Measurements
FY 2014 Remodel Request Project Title - No request at this time Core Theme / Strategic Priority Supported Please list only 1 Core Theme/Strategic Priority that your project supports and how it supports that item. Dollars Requested Justification Provide reason(s) that your project is needed and should be funded Project Outcome Measurements Provide at least one measurable outcome that would demonstrate success in your project