DEEPFISHMAN Stakeholder workshop Brussels, 29-30 June 2009 DEEPFISHMAN Stakeholder worskshop Brussels 29-30 June 2009


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Presentation transcript:

DEEPFISHMAN Stakeholder workshop Brussels, June 2009 DEEPFISHMAN Stakeholder worskshop Brussels June

DEEPFISHMAN Stakeholder workshop Brussels, June 2009 DEEPFISHMAN general aim Develop strategy options for the management of deepwater fisheries in the NE Atlantic –Appropriate/new Stock assessment methods Biological reference points (BRPs) Harvest Control rules (HCRs) Managements strategies –Account of Stock sensitivity Biodiversity/ecosystem and VMEs sustainability and conservation –Specify additional monitoring data requirements (e.g.) lack of scientific cruises, economics data missing in some fisheries, poor knowledge of high resolution spatial distribution of fishing effort

DEEPFISHMAN Stakeholder workshop Brussels, June 2009 Current situation: assessment Exploratory/unreliable in most CSs Existing data no all available to assessment groups (e.g. ICES/WGDEEP) No protocole to integrate some data (e.g. on-board observations)

DEEPFISHMAN Stakeholder workshop Brussels, June 2009 Current situation: management (EU only) Main management tool= TACs Effort limitation (ceiling on total effort/ member country licensing scheme) Existing technical measures: e.g. spatial and seasonal closures for blue ling Ecosystem/biodiversity assessment: not integrated with stock assessment –Some MPAs designed for VMEs conservations

DEEPFISHMAN Stakeholder workshop Brussels, June 2009 What should be achived in 2012 Reliable assessments and/or indicator based management Biological reference Points (BRPs) Harvest Control Rules (HCRs) Monitoring framework Requirements for progress towards –objectives of WSSD (e.g. MSY estimated data or requirements) –(For EU) MSFD initial ecosystem assessment indicators relevant to the 11 ecosystem descriptors of MSFD Integrated in a long-term management strategy framework

DEEPFISHMAN Stakeholder workshop Brussels, June 2009 THE SELECTED CASE STUDIES COLLATE DATA & PROVIDE INPUTS FOR WPs Integrates Overall Project Impacts WP7: Management strategy framework Integrates Overall Project Impacts Leader AZTI WP6 Trends in biodiversity Leader IFREMER WP2 Review of existing Management & monitoring approaches Leader CEFAS WP5 Reference Points & HCRs Leader Imp. College WP4 Dev. of appropriate Assessm. Methodol. Leader Imp. College. WP3 Socio- economic study Leader UoI WP8 : Dissemination & Outreach Leader MRI How the project is organised

DEEPFISHMAN Stakeholder workshop Brussels, June 2009 Deepfishman builds on 5 case studies (at least 9 fisheries) range of situations in EU waters some case studies out of EU waters (Namibia, NAFO, Iceland, Norway, NEAFC regulatory area) several are data poor two data rich Case study are included Case study 1: Single species fisheries: Highly sensitive(*) species 1a: Orange roughy in Namibia 1b: Orange roughy in ICES sub-areas VI and VII Less sensitive(*) species 1c: Blue ling in ICES Division Vb and sub-areas VI-VII sensitive = easy to overexploit Contacts: Rudy Cloete, NatMIRC, Namibia Leonie Dransfeld, Marine Institute, Ireland Phil Large, Cefas, UK

DEEPFISHMAN Stakeholder workshop Brussels, June 2009 Case study 2: Multi species fishery French trawl fishery to the west of the British Isles Main target species: roundnose grenadier blackscabbard fish used to exploit significantly deep-water shark (low TAC in 2009; 0 TAC in 2010) Link with CS2c: single species fishery for blue ling due to evolution over time of fishing activities Contact: Pascal Lorance, Ifremer, Nantes, F

DEEPFISHMAN Stakeholder workshop Brussels, June 2009 Case study 3: artisanal fisheries 3a: Red seabream in the Gulf of Cadix (handlines and longlines) and Bay of Biscay (depleted stock) 3b: Red seabream in the Mediterranean sea (handlines, longlines and nets) 3c: Black scabbard fish of Portugal (longlines) Contacts: Chrissi-Yianna Politou, HCMR Juan Gil, IEO, Cadix, ES Pascal Lorance, Ifremer, Nantes, FR Ivone Figueiredo, IPIMAR, Lisbon, PT

DEEPFISHMAN Stakeholder workshop Brussels, June 2009 Case study 4: redfish (Sebastes mentella) in the NE Atlantic Fishery: - well documented bottom trawling on Norwegian shelf - data poor pelagic trawling - an unclear complex (?) - no quantitative assessment Contact: Benjamin Planque, IMR, Tromsø, NO

DEEPFISHMAN Stakeholder workshop Brussels, June 2009 Case study 5: Greenland halibut in NAFO area Fishing grounds: Between m. Depth Catch levels: – ton Countries: Spain, Portugal, Canada, Russia, etc Fleet: around 60 vessels Gear: Bottom trawl Last assessment: XSA Model Explo. Biomass = tons Fbar (5-10) = Contact: Fernando Gonzales, IEO, Vigo, ES

DEEPFISHMAN Stakeholder workshop Brussels, June 2009 CS 1 Directed single species fisheries CS 2 Multi species fishery CS3 Artisanal fisheries CS4 Data rich Redfish SC5 Data rich Greenland halibut NAFO Reviews Data Preliminary report Case study workshop Case study reports (April 2010)

DEEPFISHMAN Stakeholder workshop Brussels, June 2009 Work with stakeholders - analyse how deep-water fisheries can be assessed/managed - discuss the project plan - analyse where stakeholder can contribute with data - define the involvement of stakeholders in the management of Deep-water fisheries

DEEPFISHMAN Stakeholder workshop Brussels, June 2009 Links with Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Descriptors of MSFD: Biological diversity is maintained. [...] -2 - Non-indigenous species -3 - Commercially exploited fish [...] healthy stock Marine food web [...] normal abundance and diversity [...] -5 - Eutrophication -6 - Sea-floor integrity [...] structure and functions [...] safeguarded [...] benthic ecosystems [...] not adversely affected -7 - Hydrographical conditions -8 - Contaminants in the environment -9 - contaminants in seafood [...] marine litter do not cause harm Introduced energy

DEEPFISHMAN Stakeholder workshop Brussels, June 2009 Future management Agenda – implementation of the MSFD –reform of the CFP Topics –green paper on the CFP reform: more involvement of the stakeholders; stock managed to produce MSY –MSFD & CFP reform : ecosystem approach