Patient Groups & Consumer Champion Julian Maw Chair of Harrow LINk.


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Presentation transcript:

Patient Groups & Consumer Champion Julian Maw Chair of Harrow LINk

Who I am What is LINk ~ HealthWatch and what it does. What the Health Service will look like after changes. The extended roll of Patient Groups proposed What HealthWatch can do for Patient groups. Suggestion for the way forward together. What I will talk about

Who am I Voluntary Unpaid retired Civil Engineer. Family connections with health ~ Father, Mother, Brother and Sister in law. Involved with PPI for 10 years or more. Have a passionate belief in the magnificent NHS. I am passionate in my belief in the need for Patient and Public involvement ~ the experts!

What Is LINks ~ HealthWatch Harrow Local Involvement Network. HealthWatch ~ New name Oct 2012 Independent non political organisation financed by government to be the public’s Champion for Health and Social Care in Harrow. Membership is voluntary, free & open to all Transparent ~ Members elect an executive committee supported by a full time administration. Meetings in Public.

How LINks works ~ What it Does LINks Promotes involvement by all and gets the views of Patients and Public. Monitors and Inspects Health care services. Makes reports and recommendations for improvement HealthWatch added responsibilities Signpost to support patient choice. Represent patients & public views on policy boards Provide complaints advocacy [not in Harrow]

Future Organisation of NHS Accountability Parliament Department of Health NHS Commissioning Board Clinical Commissioning Group Patients and Public Local HealthWatch Providers Local Authorities Public Health England Monitor HealthWatch England Care Quality Commission Contract Licensing Partnership Health & Wellbeing Board

Extended Role of Patient Groups As well as involvement with own practice Be a PPRG ~ Practice Patient Reference Group. GPs required to consult patients. Patient at the centre of decisions. All providers required to consult patient and public Input of experience required wider than own practice

What HealthWatch can do What you get Represent your views to providers and decision makers. Position as advisor to LINk Executive. Help members wishing involvement outside the practice. Facilitate joined up working between patient groups. Assist in improving practice performance / service provision. Support for your needs for community and Social care services. Support your independence and anonymity if needed

What does LINk get Your views. Wider knowledge of LINk / HealthWatch and what it is. Does what we are formed to do.

Way forward Chairs representative to join LINk Executive Committee to: Bring patients views to LINk then HealthWatch Be involved to service change Hear views of other organisations, 3rd sector Enable LINk then HealthWatch to join your meetings to: Hear your views / problems. Inform you about changes to services. Report on consultations / lobbying results

Thank you for listening Questions