G OOGLE E ARTH Emma Washington Katherine Jones Sarah Kraus
G OOGLE E ARTH H ISTORY 1995 –Larry Page and Sergey Brin met at Stanford – full ownership of Keyhole Incorporation – June – Google Earth came out.
H OW TO USE G OOGLE E ARTH Go to Programs Scroll up to Education Applications Click on Google Earth Basic Skills Navigation – there is a compass on the right top corner so you will always know the direction you are facing. Simply click your mouse to grab the world and move it to wherever you wish. Measurement – Go to tools and click on ruler. This will allow you to determine the distance between any two points. Image Overlay/Path/Polygon/Placemark – All of these features can be found directly above the globe in the toolbar. You can create these at your will.
G OOGLE E ARTH F EATURES - S EARCH Type in the place you want to go and it will take you there. Type in specific businesses you want to find and it will find them for you. Type in where you are and where you want to be and it will give you directions.
G OOGLE E ARTH F EATURES - P LACES My Places Sightseeing Has a list of famous places around the world that you can tour. Temporary Places
G OOGLE E ARTH F EATURES - L AYERS Geographic Web Roads 3D Buildings Street View – allows you to view the desired area through digital photographs Borders and Labels Traffic – current traffic reports Weather – current weather systems Gallery Global Awareness Places of interest Terrain
G OOGLE E ARTH F EATURES - O THERS Google Sky – you can switch between Google Earth and Google Sky instantly. Flight Simulator –you can fly two types of airplanes, but a joystick must be hooked up to the computer in use. Day/Night feature – you can look at any place in the world in the daytime or nighttime. Just click on the icon that looks like two mountains with a sun coming up behind it. Ocean Exploration – you can view life in the ocean by clicking on the ocean layer under “Layers” Historical Time Lapse/Historical Imagery – you can see the landscape and imagery at different periods of time by clicking on the clock at the top of the page Saving Your Tour – you can record your journey on Google Earth by clicking the camera button at the top of the page and then record.
G OOGLE E ARTH IN THE C LASSROOM What subjects can Google Earth be used for? History Art Science Geology Ecology Biology Environmental Math Social Studies Literature Global Awareness Technology Foreign Language
G OOGLE E ARTH IN THE C LASSROOM Quizzes Teachers can create quizzes that require students to explore Google Earth. Scavenger Hunts Teachers can create fun activities to introduce students to Google Earth. Virtual Field Trips Teachers can help students explore the entire world without having to leave the classroom. Lit Trips Students can visualize where a story is taking place by taking the journey of the characters in the books.
H ANDS O N L EARNING ! Open Google Earth on your computers. Make sure the 3D Buildings, Street View, and Borders and Labels are checked under the LAYERS bar. Using the SEARCH bar, type in Washington, DC. See if you can locate the Washington Monument. Once you have found the Washington Monument, click on one of the camera icons to see a real picture of it. Once completed, feel free to exit the photo and explore Google Earth on your own! (Exit photo is on the top right corner of the picture).
G OOGLE E ARTH IN THE C LASSROOM Google Earth Activities Viewing geomorphic landforms Plate tectonics Tours of glacier changes Create maps Renewable energy projects Measurement lessons Exploratory lessons Google Earth blogs
W HAT D OES G OOGLE E ARTH O FFER Y OUR S TUDENTS ? Imagination Innovation Exploration Understanding Insight into other worlds Educational nourishment