Adobe Photoshop Elements By Scott Phillips
WARNING Beyond here I had to take out my pictures in order to upload it to the website!!! If you wish to see the Power-point how it should be it’s also been uploaded to the Student drive!
Difference between: Photoshop ElementsPhotoshop CS Professionals Version Can cost up to $1000 Has more advanced features and options than Elements High learning curve More for creating More for Home-users Can cost up to $ Has all the general features of Photoshop but less options Moderate learning curve More for editing and drawing Differences aren’t that huge Photoshop CS slightly more advanced than Photoshop Elements Both can still do the same thing just at different levels Beginners and Moderate users (like myself) should avoid jumping right into CS
Shows recently opened projects. Allows you to edit any image or photo of your choosing. New Projects such as: Photo Books, Slide Show, Greeting Cards or a Blank Canvas. Essentially the same as Organise, but you can share projects… Organise: Edit: Create: Share:
Project Bin History Pane Layers Pane Toolbar Open Canvas New Canvas Window Menus
Move and Transform Tool Magnifying Glass Hand Tool Eye-dropper Marquee Tools Lasso Tools Magic Wand Tool Selection Tools Text Type Tool Crop Tool Cookie-cutter Tool Straighten Tool Red Eye Removal Tool Healing Brush Tools Clone Stamp Tools Eraser Tools Brush/Pencil Tools Smart Brush Tools Paintbucket/Fill Tool Gradient Tool Shape Tools Blur/Sharpen/Smudge Tools Sponge/Dodge/Burn Tools Colour Panel
These are the 5 main menus you’ll use while editing and creating in Photoshop. Image, Enhance, Layer, Select, Filter
Layer Panel: Core element for any Photoshop project. Layers allow you to make specific items on a picture be placed in a certain order from the ‘front’ to the ‘back’. An item on the front will be on top of everything whilst an item at the back will be behind everything Undo History Panel: Not necessary but very useful. Allows you to backtrack to certain stages if you make a mess of your project. Gives a greater visual to your steps than if you blindly clicked the Undo button. Project Bin: Stores opened up project windows for easy access. Double-clicking a project in the bin will minimize the current project and restore the new project. You can also drag items from the Project Bin into your current project to insert it in.
Before: Cousin Liam After: Giant Monster Liam Examples of Work:
Before: Plain Old Wilderness After: Enchanted Glade
References:References: Adobe Photoshop Elements 7.0 Digital Photo Effects – Issue 27 Photoshop Tutorials CD Aunty Paula for the Liam images. Anonymous forum user for signature. Myself=)