1 Continent Let’s Fly Around the World and Learn the Names & Locations of the 7 Continents and the 4 Oceans. Ocean Continent Ocean
1 Continent As We Fly Over the 4 Oceans Can You Name Each One? Ocean Continent Ocean
1 Continent #1 Indian Ocean - #2 Arctic Ocean #3 Atlantic Ocean - #4Pacific Ocean Pacific #4 Atlantic #3 Indian #1 Continent Arctic #2
1 Continent Now Lets Fly Over The 7 Continents. Can You Name Them As You Fly Over? Pacific Atlantic Indian Continent Arctic
1 No. America #6 So. America #7 Europe #5 Asia #4 Africa #2 Antarctica #1 #1 Antarctica - #2 Africa - #3 Australia - #4 Asia, #5 Europe #6 No. America - #7 So. America Pacific Atlantic Indian Australia #3 Arctic
1 North America South America Europe Asia Africa Antarctica Congratulations - Now YOU Know the Names and Locations of the 7 Continents and the 4 Oceans! Pacific Atlantic Indian Australia Arctic