Bromley & Bexley Pathfinder Whole System Change ‘Bringing It All Together’ 15 th October 2012 London Regional SEND Conference Helen Norris, Head of Specialist Support & Disability Service, Lead Bromley Pathfinder Debi Christie, Commissioning Manager (Specialist Provision) Kay Moore, Parent Participation Officer
Bromley & Bexley National Pathfinder Have been asked to trial and test: How we move from current SEN framework to new Single Plans from birth to 25, across Education, Health and Care (EHC), with agreed assessment and resource systems Banded Funding Support to parents, children and young people Personal Budgets Linking Early Support and key working/ integrated working Transition (Preparing for Adulthood ) Pathfinder focus is on increased Complex Needs across the age range 0 to 25 “Babies, children and young adults from birth to 25 who will require considerable ongoing specialist support from across Education, Health (including therapies) and Care, including those who have great difficulty communicating, sensory or physical difficulties and/or complex health needs, all of whom will need additional support with many aspects of daily life”
Overarching Bexley & Bromley Action Plan
Whole System Change Processes to deliver plan:- Keyworking/Pen PortraitsVoluntary sector involvementParents and professionals workshops to bring the Single Plan together20 families with children with complex health needs, including medically complexProcesses to deliver plan, including a single referral route and panel processesBanded Funding and achieving a ‘local offer’Work with Special SchoolsNational Policy Working Group on Banded FundingConsidering the ‘local offer’ years Transition Early Support approach, materials and training being developed up through the age range Transitioning from current SEN system to new statutory system of Education, Health and Care Plans
New Draft Single Plan Bromley Section 1: Personal profile section, to be completed by the Keyworker with parents prior to first multi-agency meeting Section 2: ‘Needs’ section, to be completed at multi-agency meeting by either Early Support Keyworker (young children) or new EHC Caseworker role for children older than 3 Section 3: Resource section to be completed after multi-agency meeting for agreement at Budget holders’ Commissioning Panel (Specialist Support & Disability Panel)
Parents, Children & Young People Bromley Services working together with families: Parental involvement in all workstreams and Core Steering Group Parent Guide for Parents and Carers Bromley Parent Focus Groups: Local Offer Personal Budgets Education, Health and Care Plans Awareness Raising events Remuneration & Reward Policy Good practice guide Parent Journeys (from 17 families)
Early Support & Key Working Achievement for All: Aim of the programme is to increase aspiration, access and achievement to transform the lives of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Bromley has been asked to pilot research with our special schools around linking the principles of Early Support and Keyworking with Achievement for All Keyworking project: Voluntary sector led project Will link in with the Achievement for All research and other key strands of the transition workstream Research the role of the keyworker and how this can be introduced in Bromley 0-25yrs Test the principles of keyworking with a range of families and young people Parent Journeys project: We are following a number of parent journeys to use parents’ experiences to inform the planning and delivery of future services at both a national and local level.
New Initiatives Keyworker support for families of children and young people aged 5 – 19 years Keyworker support for children with severe health needs, their family and school Transition workstream within Pathfinder to develop a model for ages 19 – 25 years Named professional at key times of transition EHC Plan Lead to write the Part 2 at a multi-agency meeting Early Support model well established ‘ Achievement for All’ research developed, keyworker ‘model’ within 3 special schools and 1 unit
Preparation for Adulthood & Transition to Adult Life Project Aim: To enable a greater number of young people with more complex needs to live, learn and work within their own community Outcomes: Earlier planning, focusing on longer term goals Improved links between schools, colleges and employment services Improved facilities and learning programmes at Bromley College Increased appropriate work opportunities Improved access to opportunities within the community Changing culture and improving perception Delivery stages: Small cohort of young people with more complex needs (10-15) Young people, families, education partners and voluntary sector colleagues working together to raise aspirations and challenge ‘what is possible’ Each young person has a ‘Preparing for Adulthood’ Coordinator & an EHC Plan Pathways planned – focused on long term goals and employment opportunities Raising Aspirations & Improving Choice
Preparation for Adulthood & Transition to Adult Life Raising Aspirations & Improving Choice Delivery stages (cont): Flexible (and personalised) packages developed across education, health and care Capital build at Bromley College completed Spring 2013 Young people access link programmes to support effective transition during Summer term Successful transition into Bromley College with support package Showcasing success & sharing our learning Enabling effective delivery: Involvement (and more importantly Buy-in) from ALL education partners Integrated department – was Children’s & Adults, now Education & Care Services Tapping into additional resources (LSIS Phase 2) Support from senior leadership in the Local Authority Voluntary sector fully involved Parental involvement & support Focused support from national Preparing for Adulthood team
Impact of Whole System Change & Pace of Change ‘ Support & Aspiration’ Innovation and new opportunities Parents at the centre Integrated service commissioning New ways of working Focus on complex long-term needs Difficult financial climate to deliver new reforms, unless they come with additional resources