Intel ® Educator Academy XXXX, Action Plan Guidelines This is your working document What do you want to accomplish Who is going to do what When is it going to get done What resources did you see this week that you’d like to adapt for use What resources do you need for your plan Tell us what helped you most, what is missing, and what needs improvement As you work, post your Action Plan on the Ed Academy Community so that others may observe your work ( Save your presentation on this USB Memory Stick Please Title and name the file, identifying your location Do not write or save over the template, keep it for later reference A report out of accomplishments is due on [DATE] Work with your Intel Education Manager to submit Note: sample completed Action Plans from 2010 are on the Intel website:
Intel ® Educator Academy XXXX, Intel Confidential 22 Action Plan Intel ® Educator Academy Pilot April 2011 AMS, La Cima, & Amphi High Schools
Intel ® Educator Academy XXXX, High Level Goals Long term goals: Target Sept, 2013 –Develop and nurture a District-wide culture of science inquiry –Implement science inquiry in Amphi secondary schools –Institutionalize management of science fairs and science programs for primary and secondary schools –Increase the number of students participating in science fairs by 75% within 3 years Short term goals: Target May, 2012 –Establish a bank of mentors to assist students –Start a new fair at Amphi High School –Improve scientific review and judging
Intel ® Educator Academy XXXX, Objectives Measures of Success –Student participation in affiliated increases 75% over a three-year period –Volunteers/mentors increases 50% during the school year –Systemic curriculum changes underway; 10 teachers trained in Project Based Learning (or Inquiry research) or new curriculum adopted –Amphi District commits $5,000 for science fairs –AHS Science Fair started 2012
Intel ® Educator Academy XXXX, Action Plan – Steps to Meet the Goals and Objectives ActionMeasure success?Who’s Responsible?Deadline? Organize district forum to orient science teachers to promote science fairs among students Reach AMS & La Cima teachers and District stakeholders. Acquire parent support Team Members: Subiti & Barton Team Members: PTO representatives, District resources Oct 2011 Realign Middle school science fairs Increased student participation by 75% Sullivan, Call, Subiti & science teachers Feb 2012 Implement a science research course at Amphi High school Administration approvalTeam Member Subiti, Lansa, Barton Sept 2012
Intel ® Educator Academy XXXX, AZ Pilot Educator Academy Reflection - To be done… Create a District culture of science inquiry –Nurture a “top-down” support structure and “bottom-up” enthusiasm Good Shop Talks –Science Fair field trip –Live student forums Missing Shop Talk –Intel corporate vision and commitment to education
Intel ® Educator Academy XXXX, Optional Pictures Slide If you would like to include a picture or a small group of pictures of your team experiencing the Intel ISEF Educator Academy, please do so on this slide only