Artist: Jo Bedford Leadership that delivers results Penny de Valk CEO T +44 (0) Wales Public Service Summer School 2012
A Rapidly Changing World Shifting paradigms What made us successful in the past won’t make us successful in the future The established rules of the game no longer provide effective solutions to our problems More change always demands more leadership Management myths 66% of CEOs say that a lack of the right skills is their biggest talent challenge. PWC 2011 – 14 th Annual CEO Survey.
A Management Development Model Knowing, Doing, Being
Trust Reduces Anxiety Fear chokes off innovation Boldness is not recklessness Fear drives compliance and we need our people’s commitment “ Our Capacity to attract, retain and manage executive talent does not depend on the compensation package, but rather on our ability to create a sense of belonging to an organisation that offers a long- term relationship and that has a clear conception of itself, of what it wants to be, and of how to achieve it.” Armando Garzo Sada. Chairman, Alfa SAB de CV, Mexico
Managing Generation Y High self-esteem They don’t trust the system Idealistic Value work/life balance Accustomed to quality Tech-savvy Immediacy Tolerant of differences Collaborative “Future generations will continue to be different and firms who adapt the fastest will capture the highest quality employees.” PWC 2007 – Managing tomorrow’s people
The Outrageous Expectations of Generation Y Workers Want to work for competent bosses who can coach them Expect work to be meaningful/they want to make a difference They want to enjoy their work They want to know how they are doing They want to be constantly learning They want to live balanced lives
Learning to Lead Refuse either/or Feedback/feedback Look in the mirror Read our moral, existential and relational compass Learn to love JAZZ