Developing Positive Relationships Chapter 2
Learning to get along with others begins at an early age. Most people learn to develop positive relationships at home with their parents and siblings.
Later they expand their relationships to include peers, romantic partners, coworkers, and others. Learning about these different types of relationships can help you form successful bonds with others.
Parents: -Infants are totally dependent upon their parents and other caregivers -supply all of their needs (-physical needs of food & clothing and emotional & social needs).
-In early adolescence, demonstrate some independence; the weight shifts away from parents. -change in parent-child relationship can cause conflict between parent & children. -communication is needed to maintain a positive relationship between parent & children.
Siblings: Relate to one another on more equal terms which often leads to competition which can lead to jealousies. Relationships prepares children to build friendships with peers. Learning to handle jealousy and competition with siblings how to handle these with friends.
Peers: These relationships become very important during the teen yours. Friends reassures teens that other people are facing the same changes and decisions. You can’t choose your family members, but you can choose your friends.
Usually choose friends that have similar characteristics to their own (dependable, honest, sincere, thoughtful, and willing to help others. Must have realistic expectations of friends (not perfection or fit your mold, accept your friends as they are).
You grow being exposed to their different attitudes and beliefs. Even acquaintances can become an important part of your relationship network.
Romantic Relationships: Occurs in later teen and adult years. Caring for someone and knowing you are cared for adds meaning to life (joys and sorrow, encouragement to develop to their full potential).
Some friendships lead to marriage. Marriage relationships grow and change as the people in them grow and change. To keep marriage relationships positive, couples need to work to keep line of communication open, make needs known and must also strive to meet the needs of the spouse. The end.