4-1 Understanding the Basic Team Processes Chapter 4
4-2 Motivation Social Loafing Free riders Sucker effect Contributing Factors: No need for coordination of efforts Individual performance unaccounted for Unaware of others’ efforts
4-3 Motivation Increasing Group Motivation Task Job Characteristic Model Task interdependence Evaluations and Rewards Individual and team based Team Efficacy Team potency Commitment and Cohesion Group cohesion
4-4 Group Cohesion How Cohesion Affects the Group’s Performance Bidirectional positive influence Cohesion important when task requires: Interdependence Interaction Coordination Cohesive teams: Better prepared to handle conflict More conformity
4-5 Group Cohesion Building Group Cohesion Characteristics of Cohesive Groups: Similar attitudes/personal goals Time together Smaller teams Group incentives Building Cohesion: Training in social interaction skills Training in task skills Team success and reward for success Team leader behavior
4-6 Team Roles Role Problems Role ambiguity Role conflict Leads to: Stress Decreased satisfaction and morale Increased turnover Decreased participation Solutions: Make important roles explicit Prioritize tasks
4-7 Team Roles Types of Team Meeting Roles Leader or Facilitator Develop agenda Ensure information is shared and understood Remove internal problems Recorder Notes key decisions and assignments Minutes Sometimes acts as scribe Timekeeper
4-8 Task and Social Behaviors Task Behaviors Information sharing and behavioral assistance Social Behaviors Social recognition and encouragement Balance depends on: Characteristics of group Maturity level of group Nature of task
4-9 Task and Social Behaviors Insert Figure 4.1: Task and Social Support in Teams (p. 72)
4-10 Team Adaptation and Learning Shared mental models Related to the task and how team operates Considerations: accuracy and degree of agreement Transactive memory Awareness of knowledge possessed by team members Benefits coordination and problem-solving
4-11 Team Adaptation and Learning Using Feedback Best feedback is positive and negative Improves mental model Requires safe environment Group Process Observations Best if completed by team member
4-15 Activity Continued