UNION COLLEGE International Study Programs Dr. Thomas K. Jewell, P.E. Director of International Programs Engineering & Computer Science
Union College Founded 1795 Schenectady, NY First Liberal Arts College with Engineering (1845) Ramee Campus Squire Whipple Charles Proteus Steinmetz
What Do We Offer at Union College? B.S. Degrees in Computer Science
Computer Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Computer Eng. Electrical Eng. Mechanical Eng. Computer Science Biology Chemistry Physics Liberal Arts Nanotechnology Bioengineering Mechatronics Pervasive Computing Neurosciences and many others Changing World … Union’s Programs leading to Opportunities
–Mini-Terms Abroad (3 weeks) –Conventional Union Terms Abroad –International Design Projects –International Engineering Exchanges and –International Internships and Co-ops Union International Experiences
P A C I F I C O C E A N I N D I A N O C E A N PACIFIC OCEAN A T L A N T I C Terms AbroadMini Terms AbroadExchanges International Terms in Industry IVDS
Engineering Students’ International Experiences Type of Experience Five Year Average Regular Terms Abroad28%13%19.7% Exchanges28%39%31.1% Mini-terms18%28%31.5% International Design Projects2%4.2% International Internships1.2% Other (Not involving international travel) 26%18%12.3%
Ranking of Programs ProgramCost/StudentCost/Student/ Week Net Benefit (w language) Net Benefit (w/o language) Regular Term Abroad Mini-term341.2 Engineering Exchange International Design International Internship
What is a Miniterm? Pre-trip Seminars Three weeks in country Comprehensive report and presentation
Experience another culture Minimize time away from engineering studies Introduction to globalization of engineering Interdisciplinary team work Expands international experience options Why Mini-terms?
Topics NZ Electricity Market Acid Mine Drainage Oil Shale Development Roman Water Systems in Spain Wind Power Geothermal Power Generation
Where? Egypt Rouen, France New Zealand Spain
Conventional Union Terms Abroad Benefits Length of stay Language proficiency Cultural immersion Support group Disbenefits No engineering courses
Fall Australia Brazil Central Europe Shanghai, China York, England Rennes, France Athens, Greece Ireland Osaka, Japan Vietnam
Winter Barbados Tasmania Cuernavaca, Mexico and Seville, Spain (Alternate Years)
Spring Freiburg & Berlin, Germany Florence, Italy Marine Studies (Alt. Years)
Summer National Health Systems
International Design Projects Benefits Length of stay Interaction with international engineers Design oriented Disbenefits Technical difficulties
International Engineering Exchanges Benefits Length of stay Engineering classes Interaction with international engineers Cultural immersion Language proficiency International engineers at Union Disbenefits Lack of support group
Issues Favoring Exchanges Strong Engineering Component Cultural Immersion International Students to Union Minimize costs
Where Czech Technical University, Prague (Fall) ESIGELEC, Rouen, France (Fall)
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden
German Academic Exchange Program (DAAD) Language Programs Scholarships Undergraduate Study Graduate Study Research
New Exchanges Fachhochschulen, Germany –Aachen –Julich LaSalle, Mexico –Mexico City –Cuernavaca –Bajio
Exchanges Under Construction Germany –Gelsenkirchen –Bocholt Mexico –Monterrey Tech Spain –Cordoba France –Lille
International Internships Benefits Length of stay Strong engineering component Language proficiency Cultural immersion Interaction with international engineers Scheduling and length somewhat flexible Disbenefits No academic credit
IAESTE International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience Internships in Industry Reciprocal Program –Union Students to International Companies –International Students to U.S. Companies Paid Positions
IAESTE Mission: Developing global skills in tomorrow’s technical leaders Established 1948 – Imperial College in London More than 80 member countries International internships in technical and scientific disciplines
How you can Partner with Union Sponsoring International Interns in your company For each intern you sponsor, Union gets to send one engineering student abroad for an internship. Incoming interns are well prepared –Upper bachelors or beginning masters level –Hit the ground running You choose interns you will sponsor.
Costs Program Fee –Up to six months : $800 –Seven to twelve months: $1400 –Includes health insurance Pay intern (usually $8 to $12 per hour)
Steps Fall: Determine your needs and submit “Offer of Training” form January: Highly qualified international candidates nominated by their universities. Spring: You accept or reject candidates. IAESTE finalizes all the paperwork for accepted interns, including J-1 visa authorization.
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