Long Term Goals To ensure that a clear vision for geography’s educational potential and its relevance to the skills agenda and to life in the 21st century are understood by all, including the subject teaching community and educational policy makers at all levels, and that teaching professionals are enabled and equipped to realize this potential with pupils and to engage them with geography in an enjoyable way that they value. Secure in the minds of policy makers, professionals in education, and the wider public the nature of contemporary geography in providing relevant, worthwhile and enjoyable education.
Short Term Goals To produce exemplar material of student tasks and outcomes at a range of ages. To develop a stronger understanding of how pupils learn in geography from. To clarify what we value as thinking geographically or 'geo- capability'. Promote and support the development of a modernised curriculum for geography and encourage the Awarding Bodies to fully support the modernisation process.
Instructional strategies and Tasks Word Splash- MS I will use a pre-reading strategy that introduces students to key vocabulary and concepts. Concept Mastery Routine I will helps students understand key concepts by following the steps in a graphic organizer. Chapter Tour I will provide a Chapter Tour that introduces students through visual representation and organization to the overall theme of the reading, such as progress, change or crisis. Graphic Notes I will provide graphic notes that help students manage large amounts of text with a visual. Discussion Web A graphic organizer that helps students to participate actively in a group discussion Frame Routine I will provide a frame routine that helps students to summarize text into a manageable amount of vocabulary and key ideas.
Solutions to anticipated challenges Challenges Students become overly dependent on teacher. Students "hijack lesson" - The lesson doesn't go where you want it to. Students unclear what do to, or do the wrong thing. Students are bored, inattentive, or unmotivated. Solutions I will focus on giving positive encouragement to students. This will help to make students more comfortable and more willing to answer (even if incorrectly). To some extent, this can be a good thing. It shows that students interest, and as long as they are participating, it is a productive experience. However, if the lesson strays too far off topic, in a direction I don't want it to go, I will correct the problem by diverting the conversation. In order to avoid this problem, it's important to make sure my instructions are clear. I will use gestures, speak clear and strong. Most importantly, I will use models and examples of the activity exactly how I want the students to do it. I will choose a juicy theme to the lesson; one that the students can relate to and one you know they will enjoy. This will automatically give them some motivation and interest.
Project Sample Project File Sample
AUG – SEPFocus on Multi- Media Presentation OCT – NOVWorking on Questioning Skills DECMid-Term Exams JAN – FEBEnabling them to be good graphic organizers MARProject Work-make them work in groups APRILReviewing all the activities MAYFinal Exams Time Line
Resources Intel Teach Program Getting Started Course Manual. Other colleagues from School teaching same subject. Relevant websites. Geography blogs, articles and past papers. World geography activities.
All too often when we want to accomplish something, we may just be thinking about it and hope for the best. Perhaps we may grope in the dark a little without any concrete action plans, then we start to think that maybe this is not meant to be, or something achievable. More often than not, it is the lack of an action plan that is causing us not to achieve whatever it is we want to achieve. When we do not have an action plan, we will be easily distracted and fall for anything that seems convenient.