Cosmic Ray Run III Cosmic Ray AliEn Catalogue LHC08b 1
Cosmic ray Run III 2 AliEn Repository Description : RUN III cosmics Production : PDC 08/LHC08b Run Range: Detectors:HMPID PMD SDD SPD SSD TPC TRD TRIGGER Number of Events Analyzed: Not trigger information in the ESD file, For the moment, I manually get this information from the logbook. See one Example: Trigger Clusters Info Trigger Class Mask:1 Show/Hide Trigger Config File VERSION: 2 PARTITION: ALICE INPUTS:SPD1 SPD INTERACTIONS: DESCRIPTORS:spd1 SPD1 CLUSTERS:3 1 SPD SDD SSD TPC TRD HMPID PMD PFS: NONE BCMASKS: NONE CLASSES:spd1 1 spd1 3 {NONE} {NONE} 0 1
Plot 3: ITS status of Calibration DongJo say that he know what to put here 3
Plot4: TPC + ITS track matching DongJo ??? 4
Plot 5: Cosmic Ray Pt distributions Rafael ( start here to see my slides about pt distibution) 5
Run III Cosmic Ray AliEn Catalogue LHC08b At the beginning NO Quality Cuts applied Also the current situation with the alignment/calibration is such that the high-pt momentum measurements are practically random... Charged Tracks reconstructed reading directly from the ESD cosmic ray 6
Track Cut proposed to the first physics data (based in Monte Carlo) References : Measuring the Pseudorapidity of Charged Particles using TPC, [ ALICE-INT ] ALICE Physics Performance Report [PPR Vol II ] C. Jorgensen, talks in “Preparation for first Physics with ALICE” meeting at CERN March track inside the beam pipe 7
Track Selection for cosmic ray … Not used for cosmic ray …. + track inside the beam pipe But still using this configuration I rejected all cosmic tracks !!! 8
Explanation !! 9 Cov22 Cut < 2 cm 2
Redefined Track Selection for cosmic ray … Not used for cosmic ray …. + track inside the beam pipe 10
Control Plots in one job 11 We have now this control plots included in our ALICE Jyvaskyla task train
12 Cuts Effect on cosmic ray Pt distribution
Comments from discussion with Jouri Belikov 13 We should keep in mind that (by necessity) we are currently running with only partially calibrated TPC, partially re-aligned ITS, and without any relative TPC-ITS re-alignment...Under such conditions, all the "roads" in the tracking are artificially and significantly enlarged. This may explain your observation that the cut on the elements of the cov. matrix "kill" all the tracks. The problem is that all these cuts were tuned on Monte Carlo, assuming the final calibration and re-alignment. We are not yet there. As for the peak at ~0.050 GeV/c, I don't have any immediate explanation. For the real collisions, we will hardly go below GeV/c. Still, it would be nice to understand it.
Today plot in the pt range 0.2 to 15 GeV/c 14
Plot 2: TPC dE/dx distribution 15 After Cuts
To Do list (working on …) Plot dE/dx before the cuts Include in our analysis train event statistics plot Check for more TPC QA info in the TPCQA.root file Develop a macro to show all the QA histograms saved in the train output file: jcorranQA.root Summarize in one presentation what I learn from TPC track reconstruction Check the possibility to plot the correlation function. Check about trigger info in the ESD files. Scan new cosmic ray data. 16
backup 17
Cuts Influences study in p+p 14 TeV ALICE full simulations Measuring the Pseudorapidity of Charged Particles using TPC, [ ALICE-INT ] 18
Trk-to-vtx in p+p 14 TeV full ALICE simulations [not used for cosmic ray but important in the future data] Measuring the Pseudorapidity of Charged Particles using TPC, [ ALICE-INT ] 19
Plots 1: example of cosmic Ray Event 20 Marian Ivanov. ALICE Week July 2008