ROSETTA Real OpportunitieS for Exploitation of Transport Telematics Applications 5th Framework Project Partners TRGMike McDonald, Richard Hall (Project Manager) MIZARVito Mauro RWS-AVV Job Klijnhout TransVerHartmut Keller
OBJECTIVES Appreciation of (i)EU project activities/outcomes (ii)Related transport telematic activities/outcomes to identify trends and opportunities The encouragement of effective and timely implementation Determination of future requirements
WHERE ARE WE NOW? CARTS identified achievements in: services to travellers, services to network operators, driver assistance and control, public transport operators, rail transport systems, freight intermodality services, maritime transport services, air transport telematics services, infrastructure technologies, and emerging applications / techniques
WHERE ARE WE GOING? Identified Initial Application Areas with Expert Panel Developing Vision Notes: –Vision for the future –Present situation –Issues that need to be addressed –Actions required
INITIAL APPLICATION AREAS 1.Passenger Transport Services : - new services with ITS - incl. car sharing / demand responsive software. 2.Safety: - system safety, human-machine interaction, traffic safety - incl. warning & prevention systems, vulnerable road users, in-vehicle 2A.Emergency Service Systems: - Emergency notification (calls, information required, location, communications, 112 facilities)
3.Multiple Monitoring of Road Traffic: - road, weather, traffic - data fusion 4.Personal Travel Services: - coherent approach - incl. better web search, trip end activities, tourism. 5.Long Term Effects of ITS on Transport Demand and Land Use Planning 5A.Effects of e-commerce on Transport Demand: - incl. effects on goods distribution, transport (new vehicles, new containers), travel, shopping patterns.
6.Vehicles and Highway ITS Infrastructure: - incl. Advanced Driver Assistance, active safety, communication devices, systems on-board. 7.Innovative Infrastructure Management: - review of conventional use - deployment of ITS solutions and insight to consequences (social, short term) - incl. payments, road pricing, public transport. 8.Freight Transport Services and ITS: - technology, standards, interaction with traffic, control, infrastructure