Cosenors House, Dec p 11 New Detector Initiatives Agenda 10:00 Coffee 10:30-12:30 Talks-part i (~15mins ) Mike Tyndel - Introduction to NDI group Marcel Stanitzki – Future detector requirements for collider physics Pawel Majewski – Future DM experiments Rob Edgecock – New initiatives in Accelerator RD Jan Strube – Software tools for future detectors Barbara Camanzi – Detector RD & Cancer Care 12:30-13:30 Lunch 13:30-15:00 Talks-part-ii (~15mins)John Matheson – Pixels for ATLAS, tools & facilities required Steve Worm– Pixels for CMS, tools & facilities required Gary Zhang – Active Pixel sensors, tools & facilities required Giulio Villani – Novel ideas for dosimetry, tools & facilities required Tim Durkin – Tracking radioactive sources 15:30 Afternoon tea 16:00-17:00 Summary All – chaired by MTy
Cosenors House, Dec p 22 Introduction – PPD New Initiatives group
Cosenors House, Dec p 33 Introduction – PPD New Initiatives group
Cosenors House, Dec p 44 Introduction – PPD New Initiatives group
Cosenors House, Dec p 55 Introduction – Goals of today’s meeting Why set up a NDI group? Who is in the NDI group? What are the current research activities in NDI? are the future plans for NDI? do we do next? Introduction Presentations Summary
Cosenors House, Dec p 66 NDI – Why set up a new group? Times are a-changin’ (or seem to be) Science prioritisation resulting in a more focussed program Encouragement to broaden our horizons i.e. contribute to other areas of science & the UK Buzz words: KT, EI, Grand challenges, Futures, BD Squeeze on funding & uncertainty about the next 3 year CSR settlement Recruitment ban We should do something (re)State and defend our role in detector development and construction - Focussed detector RD plan which matches the PP roadmap Demonstrate a commitment to KT by understanding where we have the most impact Need to have an organisation which gets maximum benefit from the in-house expertise Show a commitment to improving efficiency by sharing tools and facilities Establish a scheme to attract students & train them in detector techniques
Cosenors House, Dec p 77 NDI – Who is will be in the NDI? The NDI group is a ‘means to an end’ Strengthen the role of PPD in detector development The NDI group will co-exist with the project groups. PPD staff will be able to share time between projects and new detector initiatives For this first Kickoff meeting, invitations were sent to people Active in generic R&D Investigating possible future projects Active in finding new applications for techniques developed in particle physics Currently responsible for departmental research tools and facilities And to anyone else interested and available (apologies from Dave W. & Claire S.) Here today: Rob Edgecock, Barbara Camanzi, Tim Durkin, Stephen Haywood, Pawel Majewski, John Matheson, Norman McCubbin, Marcel Stanitzki, be, Jan Strube, Mike Tyndel, Giulio Villani, Fergus Wilson, Steve Worm, Gary Zhang, What are the current research activities in NDI? Goal of today’s meeting are the future plans for NDI? do we do next?
Cosenors House, Dec p 88 NDI – What are the current/future research activities in NDI? I am listening and taking notes “What can you do for an NDI group? “ What can an NDI group do for you?
Cosenors House, Dec p 99 Summary session 1.Activities 1.Current 2.Over the next 5 years 2.Facilities 1.Currently available 2.Needed over the next 5 years 3.Expertise 1.Currently available in PPD 2.Needed over the next 5 years 4.Funding needed 1.New detector initiatives (fte & capital) 2.To maintain facilities and tools 5.Organisation – first thoughts 1.How should things work within PPD? 2.How should we interact with other areas of STFC (TD, Science departments e.g. ISIS, Diamond, Futures...) 3.With Universities 6.Students 1.How do we incorporate students into our activities
Cosenors House, Dec p