1/8 Lucie Linssen LCD monthly meeting 10 October 2011 CDR Status and Review in Manchester and LCD notes Lucie Linssen
2/8 Lucie Linssen LCD monthly meeting 10 October 2011 CDR status Not much new since the CLIC CDR was frozen for the Review: The CDR text was not touched since September 8 th 2011 Main current activities related to the CDR: Outreach => make the CDR known Many CDR-related talks were given at LCWS11 (in particular M. Thomson’s plenary talk bId=13&confId=5134, with a list of other CLIC CDR talks on slides 34+35) Encouragement to give seminars (in your institute?) on the CDR Signatories list of the CDR (see next slide) Preparations ongoing for publishing the CDR as a CERN yellow report File quality/style were checked => mostly OK Colour printing may be a problem => trying to understand the issue
3/8 Lucie Linssen LCD monthly meeting 10 October 2011 Signatories list of the CDR Set up as “support for the CDR”, without formal commitment Sunday Oct. 9 th, afternoon: 163 signatories, including many from CERN (~65) ~125 physics/experiment and ~40 accelerator ~50 institutes Monday Oct. 10 th, 15:40 hrs Total 210 signatories, following call in CLIC collaboration Please help to make the signatories list known
4/8 Lucie Linssen LCD monthly meeting 10 October 2011 CLIC CDR review Review committee members October Series of presentations Common dinner on 18/10 October 20 Committee meeting Closeout The committee will report to Steinar Stapnes The report of the review will be made public (in total we will be ~38-40 persons present in Manchester) trip cancelled
5/8 Lucie Linssen LCD monthly meeting 10 October 2011 Reviewer assignments The reviewers are planning to send their first round of questions already towards the end of this week.
6/8 Lucie Linssen LCD monthly meeting 10 October 2011 Rehearsal talks Talks are supposed to cover the contents of the CDR in a complementary way. The ultimate aim is to duly cover the contents of the CDR at the review. The sharing of subjects is indicated on the indico page of the rehearsals: Rehearsal page in indico Rehearsals will take place on Wednesday 12/10, starting 9 am, room Please put all talks on indico by Tuesday evening (whether you give a life rehearsal or not). Independently of the schedule for Wednesday 12/10, the “CLIC Physics Potential” talk by James will be at 14 hrs on 12/10 => good opportunity to attend and to ask questions. For discussion: Shall we prepare some hint to “further improvements needed” and “additional studies needed” in relation to each of the talks? Chapter 13 of the CDR hints to some of it, though often not in sufficient detail.
7/8 Lucie Linssen LCD monthly meeting 10 October 2011 LCD notes (1) Released notes can be found here: Many additional notes referenced in the CDR. They can be found here: Current status of the notes in preparation:
8/8 Lucie Linssen LCD monthly meeting 10 October 2011 LCD notes (2)