Programmes for breeding of hybrid larch in Germany Volker Schneck Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries, Institute of Forest Genetics, Waldsieversdorf
The long-term breeding programme of hybrid larch by Prof. Langner Open questions and problems Introduction The programme for breeding hybrid larch for the north-eastern German lowlands
Area: European larch = ha (3.2 %) Japanese larch and hybrids = ha (0.7 %) Harvested seeds per year (mean of 10 years ): ELA = 270 kg = plants = ha JLA = 20 kg = plants = 110 ha HLA = 75 kg = plants = 425 ha The genus Larix in Germany ha larch stands between 1 and 20 years old = ha/year regenerated with larch ~ plants/year
Tested reproductive material for European, Japanese and hybrid larch in Germany speciescategoryregion of provenance numberarea [ha] Larix deciduastands Larix deciduaseed orchard Larix kaempferiseed orchard Larix x eurolepisseed orchard
Places of hybrid larch breeding in Germany
Aims breeding of hybrid larch with –high productivity –good quality (stem form) –tolerance to different site condition identification of parent trees with good combining ability tested reproductive material according to the regulations of the EU and Germany seed orchards selection of outstanding trees for vegetative propagation The programme for breeding hybrid larch for the north-eastern German lowlands
selection of plus trees and establishing of two clone archives with 970 different plus tree clones (780 L. decidua and 190 L. kaempferi) three series of controlled crossings mostly between L. decidua and L. kaempferi (250 combinations – incomplete dialles) 1974 three trials with 81 progenies 1986 two trials with 49 progenies 1992 five trials with 42 progenies The programme for breeding hybrid larch for the north-eastern German lowlands Discription
D F Trials The programme for breeding hybrid larch for the north-eastern German lowlands
Mean and range for groups of progenies (ELA=100 %) Progeny test hybrid larch height 2005 [m] % % % % % % % 94.3 % % 89.9 % Floessberg Pfefferteich Luebz
Mean and range for groups of progenies (ELA=100 %) Progeny test hybrid larch 1974 – single tree volume 2005 [dm³] % % % % % % % 84.2 % 78.9 % 98.1 % Floessberg Pfefferteich Luebz
Mean and range for groups of progenies Progeny test hybrid larch 1974 – percentage of well-formed trees 2005 % Floessberg Pfefferteich Luebz
Progeny test hybrid larch 1974 – selection index 2005
Results better growth performance of many hybrid progenies compared with pure European larch (up to 30 % better than the best European larch) = verification of former results about superior growth of hybrid larch significant interactions between progenies and sites for most traits in all series weak correlation between stem form and growth traits identification and selection of parent trees fulfilling the requirements for the approval as “parents of families” 2006 planting of one hybrid larch seed orchard (two clones) The programme for breeding hybrid larch for the north-eastern German lowlands
evidence of superiority of hybrid larch low expense of work sufficient genetic diversity testing of progenies of many different plus trees on different sites identification of mother trees with a good general combining ability developing of a appropriate procedure for production of hybrid seeds The long-term breeding programme of hybrid larch by Prof. Langner Aims
1955/56 selection of plus trees of Larix decidua in natural stands in the Alps and in secondary stands establishing of a clone archive with 435 different plus tree clones of Larix decidua production of hybrid seeds without isolation of female flowers and artificial pollination –81 progenies (L. decidua x L. kaempferi), 8 mixed stands, 21 stands pure L. decidua or L. kaempferi planting of 30 progeny tests –19 sites more suitable for Japanese larch –11 sites more suitable for European larch Discription The long-term breeding programme of hybrid larch by Prof. Langner
clone A clone B clone C clone D clone E European larch
The long-term breeding programme of hybrid larch by Prof. Langner Test sites
Annual basal area increment for different groups of progenies
Annual height increment for different groups of progenies
Percentage of well-formed trees for different groups of progenies
Results The results verify the superior growth performance of hybrids between Larix decidua and L. kaempferi. Good survival and superior growth of hybrid larch under very different site conditions indicate a high level of adaptability. Identification of 6 progenies which combine growth performance and good quality as well as 8 additional progenies which good growth or good quality. Mother trees usable for establishing seed orchards 1992 approval of a seed orchard (“Kuechengarten” – LOLA 1) – average percentage of hybrids=80 % The long-term breeding programme of hybrid larch by Prof. Langner
Open questions and problems (Germany) open questions: - growth of older hybrid larch - wood traits and diseases (canker) - stimulation of planting hybrid larch in practical forestry - integration of hybrids in the close-to-nature siviculture very low interest in planting hybrid larch no new activities for breeding of hybrid larch Clone archives are old and difficult and expensive to manage = danger of loss of the basis for larch breeding.