In New Zealand, Christmas celebrations are extremely different from the rest of the world, as it is a summer festival, instead of a winter one.
While the western countries celebrate the festival in chilly temperatures, snow and lifeless environment, New Zealand is buzzing with life. There are numerous colorful flowers and scented aromas, which create a panorama of refreshing beauty and charm. EUROPENew Zealand
In the Maori culture, spirits and creatures resemble the elves and gnomes of European Christmas traditions and therefore, play an important role in New Zealand Christmas celebrations.
An aspect common to Christmas celebration in New Zealand and western countries is the importance given to feast or Christmas dinner.
Some New Zealanders celebrate the festival twice a year. The second Christmas is celebrated in July, which is mid- winter in New Zealand, so as to enjoy the festival in snow and chilly temperature!
Thank you and Merry Christmas! Презентация составлена учениками 8 «А» класса МОУ Гимназии № 1 г.Лыткарино.