Composer/Songwriter Project
What is it? A project about a composer. A brochure sharing information about a composer that you have picked.
When are we doing it? You will be given 2 class periods in the computer lab to work on the internet at school. There will also be 1 class period to work in the classroom organizing your information
What information do we need? style for which the composer was known including some of their works historical period in which they lived graphics of the composer. where they lived
Where to look? Wikipedia
Evaluation Category Content Accuracy All facts in the brochure are accurate % of the facts in the brochure are accurate % of the facts in the brochure are accurate. Fewer than 80% of the facts in the brochure are accurate. No information was turned in Graphics/ Pictures There is a good mix of graphics and text. The graphics over power the text. There are not enough graphics. Brochure is too "wordy." The graphics do not compliment the text. No information was turned in Attractiveness / Organization The brochure is VERY attractive and has well- organized information. The brochure is attractive and has well- organized information. The brochure has well- organized information. The brochure information is not well- organized No information was turned in