Welcome to ITC-ILO/ACTRAV Training Course A on “Capacity Building for Organizing” Turin & Singapore March 2006 Turin & Singapore March 2006
Course Orientation and Objective Setting Michihiro Ishibashi (Hiro) ITC-ILO/ACTRAV Michihiro Ishibashi (Hiro) ITC-ILO/ACTRAV
Agenda of this Session 1. Background 2. Objectives 3. Expected Outputs 4. Timetable 5. Evaluation 6. Distribution of responsibilities 7. Individual Objectives
Four Ground Rules 1.Be active and participative in all activities throughout the course 2.Be attentive and supportive to your classmates 3.Learn from each other and teach with each other 4.Be punctual!
Paired Interview We break into pairs (a group of two persons), and in each pair one interviews the other to know about him/her. Each has 5 minutes. After the interview, you will introduce your partner to the group: 1. Full name and nickname; 2. Name and type of trade union; 3. Trade union experience and expertise in financial analysis of enterprise and CB; and 4. What does he/she want to achieve in this training course?
Union density is declining everywhere! A ratio of workers organized by unions Present Situation
“Why unions can’t organize?” Don’t ask! Ask : “How can unions organize the unorganized successfully?” instead
The Keys to Successful Organizing Creation of Enabling Environment Strong Capacity and Will for Organizing External IssuesInternal Issues Question 1: How can unions create enabling environment? Question 2: How can unions strengthen organizing capacity?
Overall Aims of this Course This Course will contribute to: Development of trade union policy and strategy for organizing; Improvement of trade union structure, staffing and resources for organizing; Creation of an enabling environment for organizing.
Your Expected Achievements in this Course At the end of this course, you will be able to: Take specific actions to create/promote an “enabling environment” for organizing; Redesign the structure of your union to be more effective for organizing; Apply new organizing strategies, methods, tactics in your actual organizing campaign.
To Create and Promote an “Enabling Environment” You will learn how to effectively use all available international instruments and put pressures on Governments & Employers: ILO supervisory mechanism; ILO Declaration on F.P.R.W. and its Follow-up; ILO MNE Declaration; OECD MNE Guidelines; UN Global Compact; International Framework Agreement; and CSR tools / Codes / Guidelines / Buyers’ Support
To Improve Structure of Unions for Organizing You will learn major internal issues for effective organizing and how to redesign/improve them: Policy decision; Finance (how much to be invested and mobilized); Structure (organizing committee and teams); Staffing and recruitment of organizers; Training/education for organizers; and Internal communications.
To develop new Organizing Strategies You will learn new organizing strategies and how to effectively organize the unorganized: Deciding the targets; Identifying key persons/potential leaders; Communicating with the workers; Dealing with anti-union employers; Establishing/registering a union; Providing good services to the union members.
Expected Outputs
Focal Points for Organizing in Asia/Pacific Region Each one of you will be a focal point for union organizing who can: ✓ Analyze effectiveness of union structure and strategies for organizing and give proper advise to the leaders; and ✓ Be part of the regional union network on organizing
Action Plans Proposal for an “Organizing Project” for your own union, specifying: Main organizing problem(s) to be addressed; Target results/immediate objectives; Time-bound actions to be taken; Budgetary assessment.
1st Week - Promote an enabling environment - Organizing strategies 2nd Week - Internal structure for organizing - Special seminar on globalization 3rd Week - Organizing in the informal economy - Development of workplan 4th WeekStudy visit to Singapore
Daily Review (Recapitulation) Weekly Evaluation End of Course Evaluation Post-course Evaluation (after 1-year) Possibility of a follow-up activity
Distribution of Responsibilities
Responsibilities Chairperson (team leader) - weekly Daily report team - daily / pair of two Recreation team - weekly / a group of four
Other Issues
Pre-Course Assignment Country report Materials Online Pre-Course Orientation
es/2006/A _web/ es/2006/A _web/ Database of the training course, including: course documents resource materials participants’ work Course Website
Security In your room & classroom In the cities
Individual Objectives
It is important to set your personal objectives to be achieved during this training program
It is time for actions!