Young Mathematicians at work Organizing and Collecting The Number System
Overview The idea of taking inventory is brought to the classroom from the story of the Masloppy family. The concept of place value is developed as the children pack objects into groups of ten and study patterns in the data. Children will begin to unitize - to count groups and objects at the same time.
Big Ideas This unit is designed to encourage the development of some the big ideas underlying early number sense: Compensation and equivalence Unitizing Place determines value Commutativity and associativity Place value patterns occur when making and adding on groups of ten
Strategies You will notice that children use many strategies: Using synchrony and one-to-one tagging Counting on and counting backward Skip-counting Using the five- and ten-structures Making ten Keeping one addend whole, using landmark numbers, and/or taking leaps of ten splitting
Mathematical Modeling Model of the situation Model of children’s strategies Model as a tool for thinking
Presented by Audra Marsalia Brazos ISD Carla Henson Buffalo ISD Beth Wiggins Snook ISD Pat Duell Kennard ISD Susan Bohan ESC 6