Stem-Changing Verbs
Verb Stems The stem of a verb is the part that remains when we take the –ar, –er or –ir off of the infinitive in order to add a different ending (conjugate). Hablar Habl Hablo Hablamos Hablas Habla Hablan
Stem-Changers Stem-changers, as the name implies, are verbs whose stem changes when they are conjugated. There are several different stem-changing verbs. You will see verbs of the following types: e ie o ue u ue e i
e ie Pensar (to think): piensopensamos piensas piensapiensan The nosotros form does not change (neither does the vosotros form, although it has been left off this list).
o ue Encontrar (to find): encuentroencontramos encuentras encuentraencuentran The nosotros form does not change (neither does the vosotros form, although it has been left off this list).
u ue Jugar (to play): juegojugamos juegas juegajuegan The nosotros form does not change (neither does the vosotros form, although it has been left off this list).
e i pedir (to ask for): pido pedimos pides pide piden The nosotros form does not change (neither does the vosotros form, although it has been left off this list).
e ie Empezar (to begin): empiezoempezamos empiezas empiezaempiezan Notice that the nosotros form does not change. Some verbs are a little more difficult because they have more than one vowel in the stem. If there is more than one vowel in the stem, a good rule of thumb is to change the vowel that is closer to the end of the word. You will never change two vowels in different places within the word. Look at the following example:
Stem-changing verbs are frequently referred to as boot verbs. This is because we would see the shape of a boot if we drew a line around all the forms that change. empiezo empezamos empiezas empiezaempiezan