Department of Chemical Engineering Chemical Process Engineering and Forest Products Research Centre (Centro de Investigação em Engª dos Processos Químicos e dos Produtos da Floresta) CIEPQPF Maria Graça Rasteiro
To consolidate the accumulated know-how in strategic areas in the field of Chemical Engineering. To promote an interdisciplinary and integrated approaches to problems. To establish the connection between basic research and technological applications. Contribute to the reduction of the environmental impact of Chemical Processes (environmentally friendly production processes; process optimization; new materials; advanced technologies for wastewater treatment and remediation) Special emphasis on processes related to Forest Products. To Promote multilateral cooperation between CIEPQPF and other national and international scientific entities. To support graduate and postgraduate education in the field of Chemical Engineering, at DEQ of FCTUC. Established in 1994 with the objective of creating a structured framework for the research activities in the Chemical Engineering Department (DEQ) of FCTUC (Science Program) Mission
Integrated researchers:2011 PhD students Integrated researchers PhD students (9 supported by industry –BDE)
Research Groups Particles, Polymers and Biomaterials Technol. (PPB) Process Systems Engineering (GEPSI) Computing, Statistics & Materials (CEM) Environment Reaction, Separation and Thermodynamics (GERST) Research
Research Areas
Materials Functionalization using a Product Eng. approach Green Technologies/Environmental Technologies Model Based Engineering Biorefineries and Forest Products Transversal Research Lines Applications Research
Transversal applications HealthEnvironmentEnergyNanomaterials Research
Materials Functionalization using a Product Eng. approach Green Technologies/Environmental Technologies Model Based Engineering Research
Functionalization of coatings (papermaking, space etc…) Nanomaterials through sol-gel technology Functionalization of natural polymers aimed at tailored polyelectrolytes Functionalization of polymeric based catalysts Functionalization of nanofiltration membranes Functionalization of materials for drug delivery (Polymer based, silica based, etc……)...
Materials Functionalization using a Product Eng. approach Green Technologies/Environmental Technologies Model Based Engineering Research
Process intensification Integration and processes optimization Hybrid technologies for effluents treatment Soils remediation CO 2 sequestration Wastes valorisation Extraction of high valued natural products..
Materials Functionalization using a Product Eng. approach Green Technologies/Environmental Technologies Model Based Engineering Research
Molecular modelling Population balance modelling CFD applications ( reactive systems, multiphase flows, atomization processes..... ) Data driven multiscale modelling...
Concluded PhDs Indicators Patents (2013) 8 undergoing submission
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