UCLPv1 HEAnet The Official Slides
2 Introduction What’s UCLP? HEAnet’s UCLP Contact UCLP-HEAnet The Official Slides
3 Introduction What’s UCLP? HEAnet’s UCLP Contact UCLP-HEAnet The Official Slides
4 Main goal: To adapt UCLPv1.5 system to HEAnet's networks. Create a UCLP release compatible with HEAnet’s network elements and architecture HEAnet uses MPLS in its core network. This project will adapt UCLP to Manage Ethernet over MPLS connections. Map of HEAnet’s Infrastructure UCLP-HEAnet Introduction
5 This project attempts to allow HEAnet network users to manage its own connections. Provide software to establish and control 2 connection types: –ERS (Ethernet Relay Service) MPLS connection in VLAN mode using subinterfaces –EWS (Ethernet Wire Service) MPLS connection PORT mode with Q-in-Q encapsulation The software will provide a web-based GUI to establish, manage and query these types of connections controlled directly by the user. UCLP-HEAnet Introduction
6 Cisco E-DI (Enhanced Device Interface) will be integrated in UCLP in order to manage network devices with an E-DI Server. The objectives will be achieved through 2 deliverables: –the first one will implement ULCPv1.5 with a new GUI over HEAnet. –the second one will integrate UCLPv1.5 and E-DI and its implementation over HEAnet network. As a result of this work HEAnet will test this new UCLPv1 implementation, compare it with its current provisioning software and evaluate the possibility of deploying UCLP on its network.
7 UCLP-HEAnet Introduction This project will be achieved through the collaboration of different partners: Fundació i2CAT, HEAnet, Cisco Systems, UPC (GCO), Tecsidel (sponsor), NDP, CRC and lead by i2CAT.
8 UCLP-HEAnet Introduction Partners Contribution -Cisco Systems Contribution: Has donated to i2cat Fundation a set of devices that emulates the 10Gbps HEAnet network. The devices are: 3 Cisco Catalyst 3750G-12S 12 GigabitEthernet ports 2 Cisco Catalyst 3750G-16TD 16 GigabitEthernet ports & 1 10GigabitEthernet CX4 port 2 Cisco 7604 Routers 2 10GigabitEthernet CX4 ports Redundant Supervisor Engine 720-3BXL Cisco has also provided E-DI software, support and 2 servers for E-DI. -Tecsidel Contribution: Has financed a part of the human resources.
9 Introduction What’s UCLP? HEAnet’s UCLP Contact UCLP-HEAnet The Official Slides
10 What’s UCLP? UCLP stands for User Controlled Lightpath Provisioning. As Bill St. Arnaud (senior director of Research Networks, CANARIE) says: 'UCLP can be very simply though of as a configuration and partition manager that exposes each lightpath in a physical network and each network element associated with a lightpath as an 'object' or 'service' that can be put under the control of different network users to create their own IP network topologies'. This way several network operators can make part of their resources available to end users so that they can decide when they want to create/delete end to end connections or change the network topology (that's why the system is called User Controled Lighpath Provisioning).
11 What’s UCLP? UCLP Objectives UCLP was born to satisfy the requirements of certain number of applications that cannot be implemented using centralized network management tools. Some of this applications are: Customer controlled and managed networks. Universities, regional networks and large enterprises/institutions acquire their dark fiber/lambdas and they light them. These organizations want to manager the new resources with the ones they own in a transparent way and under a single management domain. Each institution must be able to implement its own topology discover or protection mechanisms. Dedicated IP networks. Aplications and disciplines with high bandwidth requeriment: Current IP networks are optimized for thousands of clients with relatively small traffic flows All over the world are emerging small comunities who need to interchange high amounts of traffic at a high bit rate (grid applications, e-science, sensor and instrument networks). User controlled traffic engineering: Allow local and/or regional network managers to apply their own traffic engineering policies. Using UCLP they can create new BGP paths between two networks creating a direct optical connection. Big companies and regional networks can be interconnected directly using a peering point instead of a hierarchical IP network.
12 LightPath Slot / Port A LightPath Object (LPO) is an abstraction of one or more lightpaths (represents a connection between two consecutive nodes). A Resource Object (RO) is an abstraction of a network interface (Ethernet, SONET/SDH, wavelength WDM). An End-to-End Connection Object (E2ECO) is an abstraction of an e2e connection in the UCLP system. What’s UCLP? Definitions User B RO B User A RO A LPO A federation is an independent management domain that has its own set of UCLP resources and services.
13 What’s UCLP? Software Architecture: Global Architecture Federation Manager Jini Lookup Service GSAP JSAP LPOS JS SCS Txn Manager GMPLS cloud O-UNI Federation 2 SCS LPOS JS JSAP GSAP Txn Manager Jini Lookup Service TL-1/CLI/SNMP Jini/RMI Federation 1 GUI (OGSA Client) GUI (JINI Client) Human user Grid application SOAP Jini/RMI
14 Introduction What’s UCLP? HEAnet’s UCLP Contact UCLP-HEAnet The Official Slides
15 HEAnet’s UCLP Main Goal Provide software to establish and control ERS and EWS virtual circuits across HEAnet’s network Create a UCLP release compatible with HEAnet’s network elements and architecture MPLS Network PE2 PE1 CE2 CE1CPE1 CPE2 Catalyst SFP Standard Multilayer Image Catalyst SFP Standard Multilayer Image Catalyst /100/1000BT+ 10GbE Std Image Catalyst /100/1000BT+ 10GbE Std Image Cisco 7604 CE3 Catalyst SFP Standard Multilayer Image
16 The two key layer 2 Ethernet Virtual Circuit (EVC) services that HEAnet shall provide are: Ethernet Wire Service (EWS) is a point-to-point port-based transparent EVC that is used primarily to connect geographically remote LANs over the HEAnet network. HEAnet’s UCLP Services types
17 Ethernet Relay Service (ERS) is a point-to-point VLAN- based EVC. It is presented to the user as an 802.1q trunk which filters customer Layer 2 control protocols and uses the different customer VLAN IDs to direct customer traffic to different destinations. ERS is a non-transparent service, which means that the customer Layer 2 control protocols are dropped. HEAnet’s UCLP Services types
18 HEAnet’s UCLP Resource partitioning In order to offer ERS/EWS services, network resources have to be partitioned accordingly to the needs of each connection, since several connections can use the same port or link. This implies that “parent” ResourceObjects and LightPathObjects have to be partitioned in several sub-resources, one for each connection that uses them. Manually-generated ROs and LPOs are called “parents”, and do not participate in any connection, only have information about the physical resource and the remaining capacity in that resource. Each time a connection is requested, parent resources partition themselves to generate sub-resources with enough capacity for the connection. After that the parent resources updates its current available bandwidth.
19 HEAnet’s UCLP Resource partitioning ParentLPO 1000Mbps Connection request 100Mbps Parent ROs 1000Mbps ParentLPO 900Mbps Parent ROs 900Mbps + ChildLPO 100Mbps Children ROs 100Mbps Connection!
20 HEAnet’s UCLP Supported devices UCLP’s adaptation for HEAnet supports the following devices: –Cisco 7600 routers (created from scratch) –Cisco Catalyst 3750 switches (modification of an existent package, keeping full compatibility) Moreover, a new pseudo device has been implemented to support connections across MPLS networks (MPLSCloud). This pseudo device contains instances of the edge devices of the cloud In addition to the MPLSCloud, a new type of resource object has been defined (MPLSRO). This kind of resource object represents edge interfaces of an MPLSCloud New devices can be added simply by adding a Java package to the SCS layer
21 HEAnet’s UCLP E-DI –the human user interacting with network devices through CLI –management application programs interacting with network devices through an XML programmatic interface. Cisco E-DI provides a CLI user interface (CLI-UI) and an XML programmatic interface (XML PI). Cisco E-DI can be deployed in conjunction with a management application, or in a stand-alone configuration. E-DI has been integrated in ULCP in order to give the possibility to manage equipment with the E-DI XML PI. E-DI stands for Enhanced Device Interface Cisco E-DI provides a comprehensive management interface for Cisco devices and offers interfaces for two categories of users:
22 HEAnet’s UCLP Improvements & new functionalities New packages –Cisco Catalyst 3750G-12S switch (modification of an existent package, keeping full compatibility) –Cisco Catalyst 3750G-16TD switch –Cisco 7600 router –MPLSCloud –E-DI –SSH –MPLSRO Adapted packages –JSAP –LPOS –SCS –Configtool –Jiniclient –etc…
23 HEAnet’s UCLP Improvements & new functionalities New functionalities –Vlan Manager –Resource Partitioning –Support for EWS & ERS connections –New UCLP installer –New GUI –Improvement in launch uclp services scripts (“all-scs”) Others –Bug fixes –Code Enhancements
24 HEAnet’s UCLP Screenshots New GUI
25 HEAnet’s UCLP Screenshots New Resource Object (MPLS RO) Create RO, MPLSRO New UCLP Installer
26 HEAnet’s UCLP Screenshots New UCLP Service (Vlan Manager) Query used Vlans, Vlan Manager
27 HEAnet’s UCLP Screenshots UCLP Configtool Improvements SCS Configuration, Cisco Catalyst 3750G-12S, EDI EDI Server Configuration
28 HEAnet’s UCLP Screenshots Create connection dialog GUI, Create an ERS connection with vlan 54
E-DI SERVER PISCES.I2CAT.NET IP: EoMPLS NETWORK Cisco Catalyst 3750G-12S + Cisco Catalyst 3750G-16TD Cisco 7604 UCLP CLIENTS UCLP SERVER 10GigabitEthernet GigabitEthernet Management connection (Fast Ethernet) Interne t PEGASUS SCORPIUS.I2CAT.NET IP: CAPRICORNUS.I2CAT.NET IP: Cisco Catalyst 3750G-12S + Cisco Catalyst 3750G-16TD Cisco Catalyst 3750G-12S LIBRA.I2CAT.NET IP: ARIES.I2CAT.NET IP: TAURUS.I2CAT.NET IP: VIRGO.I2CAT.NET IP: LEO.I2CAT.NET IP: AQUARIUS.I2CAT.NET IP: Test-bed implementation at i2CAT
30 Introduction What’s UCLP? HEAnet’s UCLP Contact UCLP-HEAnet The Official Slides
31 UCLP-HEAnet Contact For more information please visit: Contact: Sergi Figuerola Michel Savoie Technical support at: or Phone: (Sergi) (Angel) (David)