UN System-wide Support to the AU and its NEPAD Programme Abdalla Hamdok, Director NEPAD and Regional Integration Division, ECA 2nd Joint Meeting of the.


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Presentation transcript:

UN System-wide Support to the AU and its NEPAD Programme Abdalla Hamdok, Director NEPAD and Regional Integration Division, ECA 2nd Joint Meeting of the AU and ECA Conference of Ministers 2-7 June 2009 Cairo, Egypt

Outline I.UN Support to the AU and NEPAD within the RCM 1.The RCM 2.Institutional Mandates 3.Levels of Coordination 4.Structure of the RCM 5.Clusters Support 6.Support to Ten Year Capacity Building Program 7.Establishment of SRCMs II.ECA Support to the AU and NEPAD 1.Support to the RCM process 2. 2.Support to the APRM process III.Lessons Learned and the Way Forward

I. UN support to AU and NEPAD in the context of the RCM 1.Regional Coordination Mechanism (RCM) Mechanism established to coordinate UN system-wide support to the AU and its NEPAD programme, at regional and subregional levels –Minimize fragmentation and high transaction costs –Improve coordination and coherence –Help UN System to ‘Deliver as one’ in support of AU and its NEPAD programme

2. Institutional Mandates General Assembly Resolutions : call for a more coordinated and more coherent UN System-wide support to the key African institutions and programmesGeneral Assembly Resolutions : call for a more coordinated and more coherent UN System-wide support to the key African institutions and programmes ECOSOC Resolution 1998/46 : call for the regular holding of regional consultations among United Nations agencies and organizationsECOSOC Resolution 1998/46 : call for the regular holding of regional consultations among United Nations agencies and organizations General Assembly’s resolutions 57/2 of 16 September and 57/7 of 4 November 2002: NEPAD should be the framework within which the international community, including the UN system, should concentrate its efforts for Africa’s developmentGeneral Assembly’s resolutions 57/2 of 16 September and 57/7 of 4 November 2002: NEPAD should be the framework within which the international community, including the UN system, should concentrate its efforts for Africa’s development UN-AU Cooperation Framework November 2006UN-AU Cooperation Framework November 2006 Resolution 61/296 of 17 September 2007: UN system to support the African Union and its member states in their efforts to implement the internationally agreed development goals, including the MDGsResolution 61/296 of 17 September 2007: UN system to support the African Union and its member states in their efforts to implement the internationally agreed development goals, including the MDGs UN system to cooperate with the AU and its member states in the implementation of appropriate policies to promote Africa’s development in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Constitutive Act of the AU and NEPADUN system to cooperate with the AU and its member states in the implementation of appropriate policies to promote Africa’s development in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Constitutive Act of the AU and NEPAD

3. Levels of Regional Coordination Intra-agency coordination at cluster levelIntra-agency coordination at cluster level –Intra-cluster –Inter-cluster Inter-agency coordination within the RCMInter-agency coordination within the RCM –between ECA and Cluster Coordinators Inter-organizational coordination at the Africa regionInter-organizational coordination at the Africa region –between UN System and AUC, NEPAD Sec, RECs, AfDB

AUNEPAD RECsAUNEPAD RECs Regional System-wide Coordination Mechanism 9 Thematic Clusters Cluster coordination 9 Thematic Clusters Cluster coordination SubclustersSubclusters UN Agencies & Organizations, AUC, NEPAD Sec, RECs & AfDB Africa’s Development 4. Structure of the RCM Subregional coordination mechanism

5. Clusters Support to AU and NEPAD The nine RCM clusters provide capacity building and technical support to AU and NEPAD Secretariat – –Advocacy and Communications cluster provides advocacy support to popularize Africa’s priority programmes and strategies for improving communications and outreach activities of the African Union and its NEPAD programme – –Agriculture, Food Security and Rural Development cluster contributes to design and implementation of Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) – –Environment, Population and Urbanization cluster assists AU Commission and other African organizations in implementation of their policies in terms of environment, population and urbanization

Clusters Support to AU and NEPAD… – –Governance Cluster supports the APRM Secretariat and makes significant contribution to the APRM process at regional and country levels. – –Industry, Trade and Market Access Cluster assist in developing plan of action for Accelerated Industrial Development of Africa and strategy for implementation –Infrastructure Cluster fully aligned its activities with water and sanitation agenda set by leading institutions and ministerial sessions in this area assist in formulation of Africa Energy Vision 2030 and in the provision of capacity building for regional integration contribute to adoption of African Regional Action Plan on the Knowledge Economy (ARAPKE), the ICT Action plan for next 10 years

Clusters Support to AU and NEPAD… –Peace and Security Cluster supports AU in implementation of its PCRD policy and planned development of an AU humanitarian frameworksupports AU in implementation of its PCRD policy and planned development of an AU humanitarian framework –Science and Technology Cluster Consolidated Plan of Action for Science and Technology (CPA)Consolidated Plan of Action for Science and Technology (CPA) –Social and Human Development Cluster – Social and Human Development Cluster developed work plans and action plans jointly with the AUC resulted in a more coherent, coordinated supportdeveloped work plans and action plans jointly with the AUC resulted in a more coherent, coordinated support

6. Support to the UN Ten-Year Capacity Building Programme for the AU RCM is a coordination mechanism for implementation of UN Ten-Year Capacity Building Programme for the AU Three RCM meetings (7th, 8th and 9th) reiterated commitment of UN agencies and organizations to its effective implementation Efforts are being made to align UN Cluster activities with AUC and NEPAD programmes, strategic plans, relevant Decisions of the AU and RECs and outcomes of AU Sectoral Ministerial Bodies

Support to the UN Ten-Year Capacity Building Programme for the AU… AU proposal indicating areas where UN support is requested is too broad; and needs to be reviewed and refocused on 2 or 3 specific areas Recommended further development of the Framework for stronger leadership on the part of the AU Commission

7. Establishment of Subregional Coordination Mechanisms (SRCMs ) 7 th RCM emphasized importance of developing a mechanism for subregional coordination of UN support to AU/NEPAD7 th RCM emphasized importance of developing a mechanism for subregional coordination of UN support to AU/NEPAD 8th Meeting of the RCM proposed a review of existing arrangements at the subregional level to put in place an institutional framework for collaboration8th Meeting of the RCM proposed a review of existing arrangements at the subregional level to put in place an institutional framework for collaboration

Establishment of SRCM … RCM Secretariat organized/participated in several consultations that discussed the establishment of SRCMsRCM Secretariat organized/participated in several consultations that discussed the establishment of SRCMs –Adhoc EGM (Oct 2007), Commission wide Symposium (March 2008), Review Meeting (September 2008) –Intergovernmental Committee of Experts meetings of ECA’s SROs and informal consultations with some UN agencies and RECs (2007, 2008, 2009) –Review Meeting (16-17 September 2008) –9th Meeting of the RCM (21-22 October 2008)

Establishment of SRCMs… ECA-SROs are being strengthened to play a more active role in the activities of the UN in their respective subregionsECA-SROs are being strengthened to play a more active role in the activities of the UN in their respective subregions With RECs, they have developed multiyear programmes to provide substantive technical support to the RECs based on the latter’s prioritiesWith RECs, they have developed multiyear programmes to provide substantive technical support to the RECs based on the latter’s priorities Multi- year programmes of the RECs provide an important basis for UN support to RECs and NEPADMulti- year programmes of the RECs provide an important basis for UN support to RECs and NEPAD –Needs to be reviewed to accommodate other UN agencies to ensure buy-in –Mainstream regional integration into UN activities Structure of SRCMs to replicate the RCM with clusters defined by major programme areas of the RECsStructure of SRCMs to replicate the RCM with clusters defined by major programme areas of the RECs SRCMs to be aligned with AU’s eight subregional groupings to address priority issue of RECsSRCMs to be aligned with AU’s eight subregional groupings to address priority issue of RECs

II. ECA Support to AU and NEPAD 1. Support to the RCM process ECA has put in place a structure, RCM Secretariat - dedicated to coordination of UN support to AU and NEPADECA has put in place a structure, RCM Secretariat - dedicated to coordination of UN support to AU and NEPAD –Organizes annual meetings of the RCM: 9 th Meeting chaired by UN Deputy Secretary-General, and addressed by AUC Chair and focused on food crisis and climate change –Carries out communication and advocacy function to facilitate information flow, networking and consultations –Undertakes follows up actions on adopted recommendations –Launched knowledge management platform principally as a knowledge repository and a forum for sharing and consolidating knowledge and information relevant to the RCM –Backstopping NEPAD Secretariat on all relevant areas, including preparation of documents.

2. ECA Support to the APRM process – –ECA designated strategic partner institution to conduct technical assessments in economic governance and management – –Supporting participating countries in mobilizing stakeholder participation and fostering peer learning among APRM countries – –Identifying best practices of the APRM process and providing technical assistance in integrating the APRM with existing National Development Strategies

ECA Support to the APRM… ECA’s Contributions to Date – –Participating in Five Stages of the APRM ECA has provided extensive technical and material support since 2003 to the APR Panel of Eminent Persons, the APRM Secretariat and the APR participating countries at each of the five stages of the review process – –Providing Guidance for Implementation of the NPoA Based on lessons learned and best practices from analytical studies undertaken, ECA will develop training manual, organize peer learning sessions to guide countries at critical stage of NPoA implementation

ECA Support to the APRM… – –Building Capacity of Key Stakeholders facilitating workshops, seminars and brainstorming sessions for stakeholders – –civil society organizations, national, regional and continental parliamentarians, as well as African research institutions – –Data Base for APRM Pool of Experts contains about 250 African professional profiles

Lessons Learned and the Way Forward III. Lessons Learned and the Way Forward Increased commitment and institutional leadership are essential to sustain momentum and intensify support ECA/SROs should convene meeting for all stakeholders to discuss and agree on the modalities of establishing a SRCM Smooth integration of NEPAD into AU structures and processes would ensure continuity and better coordination in implementation of UN support activities A retreat to be organized between UN System and AUC leadership to discuss and elicit specific areas where AU requires assistance

Thank you for your attention The End