1 N. BrunerUniv. of New Mexico MuTr Software  Online  Calibration  Offline.


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Presentation transcript:

1 N. BrunerUniv. of New Mexico MuTr Software  Online  Calibration  Offline

2 N. BrunerUniv. of New Mexico Mutr Online Data Monitor Check FEM/Chamber –read from DD/ET –GUI control –Fill,fit,reset,display histograms –read/write DB DD Data Manager DB Display Objects Calib GUI HPSS Courtesy of Ming Liu

3 N. BrunerUniv. of New Mexico Mutr Online Data Monitor Objects –occupancy/zero-sup ratio –cell diff vs fem –parity check vs fem –sample diff vs chan –pedestal vs chan –rms vs chan –T0 jitter –baseline restore –total 21,504 channels Status –framework exists –partially implemented –need to add DB access Courtesy of Ming Liu

4 N. BrunerUniv. of New Mexico Mutr Online Data Monitor Data Sample Timing Data Pedestals Calibration Data by Ming Liu

5 N. BrunerUniv. of New Mexico MuTr Offline Software Design Design goals: –Minimize user commands/maximize compiled code –Maintain central arm/MuID style interface –Be physically intuitive –Merge easily with existing code –Be more object oriented than existing MuTr code Three categories of objects: hardware track reconstruction calibration

6 N. BrunerUniv. of New Mexico MuTr Offline Hardware Classes Represent physical detector components Hierarchical –Constructors create and maintain pointers to their subcomponents MutArm* p = new MutArm(South); p->f_pMutStations[0]->getGlobalPosition(); –Destructors delete subcomponents –Similar for Refreshing and Calibrating

7 N. BrunerUniv. of New Mexico MuTr Offline Hardware Classes Inheritance Tree

8 N. BrunerUniv. of New Mexico A MuTr Offline Database Class Prototype MutDBObj –Persistence capable –Contains: ID Two vectors for global geometry calibration Gain array for FEE calibration Offset array for FEE calibration Booleans for enable/disable –Not compiled with ROOTCINT

9 N. BrunerUniv. of New Mexico MuTr Offline Status Hardware classes macros run in ROOT. Old/new MuTr software not yet merged. Work continues on: –Display - shell created using old framework –Compiling database class with ROOTCINT –Geometry – significant progress has been made! No work yet on new track reconstruction classes

10 N. BrunerUniv. of New Mexico MuTr Software Projects Integrate geometry (Bruner, Brooks)  Pisa  Response Chain  Reconstruction  Display Integrate calibration (Leitch) Integrate track reconstruction Online Monitoring (Liu, Bruner, Purschke) Level II Trigger (Fields) Pattern Recognition (Leitch, Brooks, Kelly) Display (new French collaborators, Newby)

11 N. BrunerUniv. of New Mexico MuTr Software Status We’ve made progress in: Offline Geometry Calibration Online Monitoring Task list