TRT Offline Software DOE Visit, August 21 st 2008 Outline: oTRT Commissioning oTRT Offline Software Activities oTRT Alignment oTRT Efficiency and Noise.


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Presentation transcript:

TRT Offline Software DOE Visit, August 21 st 2008 Outline: oTRT Commissioning oTRT Offline Software Activities oTRT Alignment oTRT Efficiency and Noise Andrea Bocci

2 TRT Offline SW Activities oSince 2006 Duke (Bocci, Kruse, Benjamin) heavily involved in the TRT SW activities  Started with the TRT alignment of SR1 cosmic data oBocci was also involved on the general coordination/management of such activities  2 years term  : Deputy SW coordinator  : SW coordinator oMain responsibilities are:  Coordinate and set priorities for the whole offline chain  Coordinate the different subtask efforts  Coordinate the TRT SW package updates with the ATLAS releases  Enforce the ATLAS Event Data Model on all TRT SW code  Participate in the overall management of the ATLAS software along with the other subgroup coordinators  etc,…

3 TRT Offline SW Activities oByteStream Converter  Manage the output from DAQ and port it to the offline environment  Correlated with Monitoring, Digitalization, Trigger, Condition Database oMonitoring  Assure the quality of the data taken, the impact of the updates in the SW, feedback to the hardware people, etc…  Work at different stage and sophistication (online/offline, with hits/full track, …) oDetector Simulation/Digitalization (Klinkby E.)  Detailed simulation (GEANT) of the TRT detector and digitalization of the signal (including noise and other hardware effects)  At the end a Bystestream file identical to the one from the DAQ is produced

4 TRT Offline SW Activities oAlignment (Bocci, Kruse)  Alignment of the TRT modules (barrel and endcap) using tracks  Not degrade the detector intrinsic resolution for more than 20%  Huge effort to obtain the ultimate precision for the tracking oRun Time Tester (Benjamin, Bocci)  Check the impact of the ATLAS software changes on the TRT reconstruction  A change in the tuning of GEANT made disappear the Transition Radiation few months ago oTRT Performance (Bocci, Kruse)  Study the efficiency and noise of the TRT with data and give feedback to hardware and simulation/digitalization people

5 TRT Offline SW Activities oCondition Database  Assure the detector condition (on/off, straw noisy/dead, HV, etc…) are ported to the offline world and taken into account in the reconstruction  Change with time, run by run or event by event: bookkeeping!! oCalibration  T0 and r-t relationship need to be updated/checked for each run  Impact on the alignment (Bocci) oTrigger  Use of fast tracking in the TRT for triggering at Level 2 oManagement  Redistribute manpower, assign FDE for each OTP tasks, etc…

6 TRT Commissioning oTRT Barrel in commissioning phase for a long time (no cooling problem…) oCosmics data collected in different Milestone runs oNot only precious for hardware/DAQ/operation activities but also for the offline ones  Full test of the offline calibration  Test of the DCS (detector conditions) information on offline environment  TRT SW group was the first one to implement and test it  Full test of the TRT monitor infrastructure (online, offline, Point 1, etc..)  Full test of the ByteStream (DAQ output = Offline input) compression/optimization scheme oLimited statistics did not allow sophisticated studies for the efficiency and performance but it is going to improve pretty soon!  24/7 operation next week

7 Alignment oDuke has been the main developer of the alignment in the TRT  Applied to SR1 cosmics, pit cosmics, simulated data, simulated cosmics with B field oID alignment tested in the CSC exercise  Align the detector with a particular misaligned geometry oImplement the alignment in the daily operation  First alignment of the data done every 24-hours, just after first reconstruction at Tier0 and shipping to Tier1’s  Monitor movements of the detector and correct for them oBesides to be involved in the TRT alignment improvements Bocci is now part of the task force to reorganize the Inner Detector alignment code and prepare the framework to include the muon chamber.

8 TRT Performance oDuke (Bocci, Kruse) started the effort to study the performance of the TRT using real data  Work initiated with cosmics taken at the surface  Results were published on JINST (along with the alignment results)

9 TRT Performance oWe are continuing this work (Bocci is supervising a CERN summer student on this project) and we are extending it to collision data  Important feedback to hardware people and for the tuning of the simulation/digitalization

10 Conclusions oDuke Group has been having a major role in the TRT offline SW both on the management side and on directly on several tasks  Alignment  TRT Performance  RTT  Simulation/Digitalization oWe are also contributing on the understating of detector with data and on the offline commissioning oWe are eager to finally reconstruct particles from pp collisions in the TRT!  Just few more weeks of wait…