1) Take out a piece of paper, and a pen or pencil. 2) Set up your paper for Cornell Notes. 3) Add your name, date, and the period.
SQ4R How to read a textbook and actually learn something.
S = SURVEY Before you start reading: Survey to get an overview of what you will be studying
Why Survey? 1) To give a purpose to your reading 2) To find out how difficult the material is going to be for you 3) To estimate how much time you will need to read the assignment
How to survey 1) Read the chapter title. ASK: “What does it mean?” 2) Read the Introduction. ASK: “What will be covered in this chapter?” 3) Read the main headings and subheadings. ASK: “How are the main ideas going to be covered?”
4) Read the summary at the end of the chapter. ASK: “What are the chapter’s major points?” 5) Note any study aids such as pictures, charts, etc. ASK: “Why are these included in this chapter?” 6) Note any important and/or unfamiliar terms. ASK: “What might these words mean?” How to survey
Q = QUestion How to Question Read each title or heading. Turn each title or heading into a question. Example: Title = “How the Aztecs Adapted” Questions = “What did the Aztecs adapt to?” “Why did the Aztecs have to adapt?”
R = read How: Start reading while thinking about the questions that you wrote earlier. Do not move onto the next section until you have answered your questions.
R = RECORD HOW? Cornell Notes! Remember, Cornell notes are not just a way to set up your paper Cornell notes require: - adding or deleting notes - highlighting or underlining - questions in the left margin - a summary at the bottom
R = RECITE HOW? Summarize out loud If you cannot find the right words, you probably do not have as good as a grasp of the material as you think you do.
R = review Why? To help you remember the key points in the chapter How? Cover up your notes and quiz yourself using your Cornell note questions.
WHEN TO REVIEW Immediately after completing the entire reading assignment Periodically to keep the material fresh in your mind
SQ4R S = Survey Q = Question R = Read R = Record R = Recite R = Review
Summary/Reflection Write a summary of today’s notes and reflection of two aspects. Reflection: What did you learn? What did you find interesting? What did you understand best? How does this information connect to anything that we’ve previously discussed in class? Make sure you are specific
Writing Assignment ½ page What are 5 characteristics of an excellent student. Describe those qualities and explain how you plan to embody those characteristics?