Welcome to Day #13 Today we are going to talk about the “Write for College” Project (W4C)
In order to be right for college you have to learn how to write for college.
College & Career Readiness demonstrated in writing, through… 1.Exercising independent learning 2.Building knowledge across the subjects 3.Understanding audience 4.Showing the ability to comprehend & critique 5.Providing evidence to support claims 6.Using technology to present ideas 7.Acknowledging multiple perspectives & cultures
Three Styles of Writing Narrative Narrative: Tell a storyExplanatory: Provide informationArgument: Convince someone
This school year students will write one or two papers per class (depends on the class) using the following writing styles: Argument Explanatory Narrative
Writing in All Classes English NarrativeChoice Math Explanatory History Argument Science Explanation PE & Electives Choice
Organizing the Paperwork Write for College Every student will keep all parts of each paper (pre-writing & finished product) in a Write for College binder that is kept in the Cycle 1 Advisory class (the one you are in now).
Each due date will be determined by the teacher who assigns the paper. When will each paper be completed?
Writing Process You must keep evidence of the writing process for each of the pieces of writing you will do this year: Prewriting Rough Draft Editing Revision Final Product Resources Used √ √ √ √ √ √
How Good is “Good Enough?” The task list and rubric for each style of writing is different. Your teacher will share these with you. 5 points = Advanced 4 points = Proficient 3 points = Basic 2 points = Below Basic 1 points = Far Below Basic
Before school, during advisory, during lunch, or afterschool. After your paper is graded it will be returned to you. All parts of the writing process must be included: pre-writing, research, rough draft, etc.) Do not take it home! Make a copy in the library if you want to show your parents. When will I put my writing pieces into my Write for College binder once I am no longer with my Cycle 1 Advisory teacher?
Technology Advisory Later in the school year you will learn how to create a digital presentation using one or more of the following: Prezi iMovie Power Point Keynote Animoto Some other multimedia presentation platform
At the end of the school year … Write for College You will present the Write for College binder and choose one of the papers to create a digital presentation.
Presentation of Writing The presentation will include: Write for College one exemplary piece of work from the Write for College Project (student choice) interdisciplinary connections analyzing the writing process across different subject areas reflection on what has been learned about the writing process
“If people are taught only ordinary subjects and skills, they will only know how to be ordinary. “ -Mark Sanborn