INTRODUCTION The Refugee experience Nurturing Resilience in Refugee Children and Young People SESSION 1
First they survive war THEN they face the challenge of surviving “PEACE”. A new life in a strange new country. Refugee Children are Resilient! Refugee Children are Resilient!
Refugees flee from their country of origin seeking safety for themselves and their families. They are victims of persecution and risk death, torture or unfair imprisonment if they return to their home country. Why do refugees flee?
In times of social conflict and upheaval, refugee children are particularly vulnerable. Conflict is violent and evil. Children settled in Australia have often lived through horror that most of us can not imagine The Impact of Conflict
Many recent arrivals in Australia today come from prolonged refugee experiences. They have lived in refugee camps for over 10 years. Many children know no other life than camp life. Refugee children arriving from these countries are often very traumatised. traumatised. Recent Arrivals In Australia
Refugee children and young people face many perilous situations on their journey to safety. The journey is dangerous and violent. The end of the journey is unknown. Flight
Refugee camps are often not places of protection for refugees. They are often as dangerous as the places they have escaped from Life In Refugee Camps
Refugees are strong and resourceful, but resilience needs nurturing. This training program will explore ways in which we can support refugee children through the education system. We can help ensure that refugee children make the most of their new lives and that their resilience is recognised, respected and strengthened. Nurturing Resilience