Percent Decrease
TODAY’S STANDARD: TODAY’S STANDARD: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.7.RP.A.3 Use proportional relationships to solve multistep ratio and percent problems. Examples: simple interest, tax, markups and markdowns, gratuities and commissions, fees, percent increase and decrease, percent error. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.7.RP.A.3 Your goal is to demonstrate your mastery of this topic by solving at least 3 out of 4 (75%) of percent decrease problems correctly on the exit ticket at the end of the period.
Percent Decrease This topic builds on the converting percents to decimals and finding the percent of a number lessons that we did last week. You will need to be able to calculate percent decreases in order to do well in an upcoming unit on shapes because their sides and area often get decreased by a percentage. In future math classes, you will examine data and use percent decrease to draw conclusions, such as with slope on a graph.
What are we learning about today? How will you prove that you understand this topic?
Real-life situations involve percent decreases include coupons and sales. You must be saving a percentage, not a set amount. A flat $5 off would not be a percent decrease but 15% off would.
To find the savings/decrease only, just find the percent of the number. To find the sale/discounted/final price, find the percent of the number and subtract it from the original number.
Example: 10% sale on a $6.80 item The amount of the savings is 10% of $ % = 0.10 = × 0.1 $0.680 = $0.68 The final cost is the original cost - savings $ $0.68 $6.12
Independent Station The Independent Station instructions are a little bit more complicated than normal today, so make sure you pay close attention. I will be calling on random students using the equity cards to repeat the directions.
Independent Station Step 1: Engrade What do you need to be careful of in Engrade? Leave your results open and use a new tab.
Independent Station Step 2: Google Form In a new tab, open Step 2, the Google Form. It will help you reflect on which topics you need the most help with.
Independent Station Step 3: Study Back on my webpage, there are 4 links You only need to read the link of the topic that you scored the lowest on.
Independent Station Steps 4-6 If you have finished Steps 1-3 and it is not yet time to rotate, continue on with Steps 4-6 on my page. This means I should NOT see anyone on hoodamath, coolmathgames, or using any other app. iPad violations will be issued to anyone not using their iPads for the stated activities.
Independent Station After you finish the Engrade problems, what do you need to be careful to do? What do you do after the Engrade problems? In step 3, there links to 4 different topics. Which one are you supposed to read?
Independent Station After you finish the Engrade problems, what do you need to be careful to do? Leave the results page open and use a new tab. What do you do after the Engrade problems? Fill out the Google Form Reflection. In step 3, there links to 4 different topics. Which one are you supposed to read? The topic that you scored the lowest on.