Materials DE Marker 15 Small White Boards Reminders
Get out your agenda if you see your name below. You need to come to my room tomorrow. Period 2Period 7 Anthony N. Myranda M. Jacob B.
5-8 Percent of Change How do I find the percent of increase or percent decrease?
Questions:Notes: How do I find the percent of change? What is percent of change? Percent of Change – the percent that an amount changes from its original amount How do I tell if it is an increase or a decrease? If the above percent of change equation gives a negative quotient the percent change is a DECREASE. If the quotient is positive the percent change is an INCREASE.
The original price of a pair of shoes was $45. The sale price is $30. Find the percent increase or decrease in the cost of the shoes.
The original price of a pair of boots was $99. The sale price is $66. Find the percent increase or decrease in the cost of the boots. USE THE LEFT SIDE OF YOUR CORNELL NOTES TO TAKE NOTES AS WE WORK THE PROBLEM TOGETHER.
The original price of a video game is $35. The sale price is $20. Find the percent increase or decrease in the cost of the video game.
Work problems 1-3 on page 287 and problems 7-12 on page 288.
Homework Cornell Notes Summary