Issue Analysis: Death Penalty AKA Capital Punishment
The Two Sides In Favor of the Death Penalty Against the Death Penalty Older People Conservatives (Republicans) Law Enforcement Against the Death Penalty Younger People Liberals (Democrats) Very Religious People Civil Liberties Groups
Arguments in Favor Deterrence Some people believe that if there is a death penalty people will choose not to commit certain crimes due to fear of the death penalty.
Arguments in Favor Eye for an Eye Some individuals believe that the only appropriate punishment for those who commit the most horrible crimes is the ultimate punishment. That there is a measure of justice in terminating their life. That the victims and their families would only be satisfied with the death of their offender.
Arguments in Favor Safety Those in favor of the death penalty argue that it removes the possibility of the same person re-offending or committing the crime again.
Arguments Against Innocence In the last 37 years 138 people in 26 states have been released from death row due to evidence proving their innocence. You cannot un-execute someone, but you can release them from jail.
Cruel and Unusual Punishment Arguments Against Cruel and Unusual Punishment Why would we, as a society, kill someone to prove that killing someone is wrong?
Arguments Against Life without parole more of a punishment. There are individuals who believe that life without the possibility of parole is actually more of a punishment than the death penalty. That it is fundamentally better than the death penalty.
Where is it happening?
A political cartoon accusing racial inequality in the death sentence.