Ethics and Philosophy An Introduction
“How Far Down the Rabbit Hole Do You Want to Go?”
Vocabulary Ethics provides a systematic, rational way to work through dilemmas and to determine the best course of action in the face of conflicting choices. –It attempts to describe the right and the wrong in choices, and to establish whether certain actions are right on wrong based on the information available. For Instance: If killing is wrong, can one justify the death penalty or kill in self defense?
Vocabulary Philosophy the rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct. –There are many schools of thought regarding philosophy. We will explore a handful of them over the semester.
What It’s Really About Philosophy addresses the “big” questions! For example:Are you your brain? What makes things right and wrong? Can you know that the world around you is real, and not a computer generated virtual reality? Why is there anything at all? Does “God” exist? Do we posses souls? This and more!