Review subject-verb agreement verb tense wrong word poor expression Lessons 2 & 3
Poor Expression The following sentences were taken from submitted student essays. Work with your partner and discuss how to improve each sentence.
Grammar Check Read the following sentences. How did you improve each sentence? One suggestion for each sentence is shown. Recently the death penalty tends to be abolished in the world. First, students is not enough old to have responsible. The foremost important reason is that the jury system is too heavy task for citizen. Recently the death penalty is gradually being abolished throughout the world. First, students are not old enough to be responsible. The foremost reason is that the jury system is a serious task for citizens.
Grammar Check Although the death penalty is the most heaviest punishment... Though the number is increasing, it is not big number compared to other countries. The death penalty is still carrying on and be supported by lots of people in Japan. The death penalty continues to be supported by the majority of people in Japan. Although the death penalty is the most serious punishment... Though the number is increasing, it is still small compared to other countries.
Some people have a big disease so they do not want to feel pain anymore. I do not support euthanasia because I have two reasons about it. Euthanasia is a much big problem for, not only patients, but also their family members. Euthanasia is a serious problem for, not only patients, but also their family members. Some people have a serious/terminal disease so they do not want to feel pain anymore. I do not support euthanasia for two reasons.
As a result, we can get various opinions and judge fairly. The most reason is responsibility. If the criminal who was done execution was innocence, it must be big problem. If an executed criminal was innocent, then it is a serious problem. As a result, we can get a variety of opinions and judge fairly. The foremost reason is responsibility.
Another common argument is the cost of the jury system. Jury system requires lots of cost; opponents criticize this point. The jury system is required more careful consideration. Opponents of the jury system centre their argument on two main issues; judgment of juries and cost. Opponents of the jury system centre their argument on two main issues: judgment of juries and cost. Another common argument is the cost/expense of the jury system; opponents criticize this point. The jury system requires more careful consideration.
Now, cellular phones became an important communication tool for lots of students. My favorite season is fall. The foremost reason is the weather. It is comfortable in Fall. It isn’t hot and cold. I like it. Now, cellular phones have become an important communication tool for many/a majority of students. The foremost reason why I like fall is that the weather is comfortable; it is not hot or cold.