Drew Story Librarian
“Wait, don’t close. I just brought a Kindle. I want to download ebooks from the library.” “ Sorry. We’re closed.” Don’t turn around! Don’t do it! RUN!!
No, not the box!!!
Anticipating the inevitable Experience from holiday season. Overdrive’s announcement that they had reached a deal with Amazon. Predictions that eReaders/tablets would again be the hottest selling items during the holiday season. Elwood Library’s proximity to Barnes and Noble and Best Buy.
Meeting the demand for information and training I personally decided to purchase an eReader as a gift. Read reviews, visited Best Buy’s eReader/tablet kiosk. Reviewed info from Overdrive/Amazon on downloading ebooks from the library. Discussed a plan with the other librarians to get everyone involved to meet the patron demand that was coming soon.
eReader training Beginning December/January Advertised one on one eReader assistance by appointment. –Appointments were offered in the morning, afternoon, and evening based on anticipated patron need and staff schedules. Group classes for downloading to the Kindle, Nook, and iPad.
Step by step instructions Staff recognized a need for printed instructions that could be handed out to patrons as well as a script for us to follow. –Adapted presentations from the group classes into a brochure style handout. –Dispayed them in the library and posted them in pdf format on our website.
eReader Guides Kindle NOOK iPad
Results Embraced our fear. 24 one on one eReader appointments from December 2011 to March students in group classes in January Distributed over 200 hard copies of the eReader guides.
Future plans and possibilities Instruction and technical support. Circulating eReaders preloaded with specific genres, i.e classics, mystery, romance, etc.