Welcome to Homeroom! What do we do during the first 10 minutes of the day? Take attendance – be on time! Announcements/pledge Collect important school documents Prize-winning contests (Box Tops, Pasta for Pennies) Read/finish homework Clean out locker/organize yourself for the day Visit the library or print out assignments Get help from a teacher on an assignment
+ 7B Reading Mrs. Corcoran Welcome to Class!
7 th grade Literature Book
Class Novels
Scope Magazine
Junior Great Books Student Anthology Contains twenty outstanding works of literature Includes fiction, nonfiction, and poetry by award-winning authors
Independent Reading Bring your independent reading book every day to class! If you have an eReader (kindle, nook, iPad, chromebook, etc…), please bring it in! You will have time to read an independent book during homeroom, free time during classes, study hall, and in reading class. Your independent book should be alongside your agenda; in other words, take it to every class.