Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar Act one
Act One, Scene One This short scene functions: To establish time/setting To establish central conflict Roman citizenry is fickle, easily changing loyalty The Roman citizenry varies in its political attitudes towards Caesar
Act 1, Scene 2 In this scene, characters personalities and characters are revealed Caesar: Ignores soothsayer’s warning Reminds Antony to touch Calpurnia during Lupercal race Wants ‘fat’ men around him, unlike ‘lean’ Cassius
Characters Brutus Established as honorable and just At war with himself (internal conflict) Fears Caesar will become too powerful if crowned king
Characters, continued . . . Cassius Jealous/envious of Caesar’s power Ambitious Dishonest Wants Brutus to join conspiracy to bring honor to their cause Cassius and Antony (Antonius) are foils
Characters, continued . . . Antonious: Cassius and Antony (Antonius) are foils Antonious: Extremely loyal to Caesar, ironically tells Caesar that Cassius is harmless
Act One, Scene Three In this scene, the motif of supernatural events becomes prominent The supernatural events in this scene include: Thunder and lightning Storm of fire Slave’s flaming hand Lion in the capital Fiery men Owls in the daytime
The political disruption of Rome is being mirrored by the climatic disruption The events foreshadow the assassination to come and add suspense These events are interpreted differently by many characters Casca is afraid and frightened, while Cassius believes (or appears to believe) that these supernatural events are good omens What other omen occurred in Act One?
Test Review Review ALL OF ACT ONE (try “No Fear Shakespeare”!) KNOW ALL THEMES AND MOTIFS ESSAY – How different characters interpret the foreshadowing/ supernatural events