Tips for finding news articles from your country
Same event, different perspectives NYTimes, Wall Street Journal, Tehran Times
Same event, different perspectives CNN, BBC, RAWA
What is a periodical? Magazine or newspaper Published periodically (daily, monthly, etc.) Can be in print, online or on an e-reader Photo credit for black and white newspapers photo: Jon S. Flickr Creative Commons:
How can I tell an online periodical from a website? “Newsy” publication titles: CNN, San Jose Mercury News, The Chronicle, The Daily____ Look for a byline: Author name and date at the top of the page, not the bottom. For newspapers you usually also see the city where the story is happening:
Byline: Photo credit:
How can I tell an online periodical from a website? Look at the headline/article title and first paragraph. Is the source discussing an event that recently happened? Does it immediately cover the who, what, when, where, and why of an event? Probably a periodical: Photo credit:
A magazine example… From Science:
How do I find U.S. periodicals about my issue in my country/region? Use the News section of Google:
Google News Search:
How do I find periodicals from another country. Method #1: google How do I find periodicals from another country? Method #1: 3 steps: 1. Change region 2. Put your topic and country name in the top box. Click Search. 3. Once you’re in results list, click News along the top
Once you find an article, you need to check if it’s from your country! DELETE the end of the URL back to the .com (or dot whatever): tions-raised-as-death-toll-reaches-97-in- turkeys-deadliest-terror- attack_401231.html (Delete everything except the red part)
Look for the “About Us” Now you’re back at the home page of the newspaper. Look for an “About Us” or Contact Us” section (often in tiny font at top or bottom of page):
Still stuck? Go back to regular Google, and look up: Newspapers in Country Name Ex: Newspapers in Turkey Once you find a list of newspapers in your country, Google one of those papers and get to its main page. Then go back to Google advanced search In the box that says “Site or domain,” paste the URL of the newspaper. Put your topic in the box at the very top & search. You will be searching within that publication only. Repeat for other newspapers.
Or you can find articles using DATABASES A database is a huge collection of sources that you can access online with a subscription. That means the library paid for the articles, and you need a password to log in. To start, let’s go to the school library page:
ProQuest Visit Click on ProQuest Write down username and PW from your librarian or teacher Choose e-library Limit to “Newspapers” and “Magazines.” Un-check everything else! Search for your topic and your country
InfoTrac (A database available through the public library that is all periodicals!) Visit Under “Research” (drop-down menu) Choose “A-Z Resources” Choose InfoTrac Choose Advanced Search Limit “to documents with full text”