Delivering YOUR Speech
You will see a smaller version of the picture below on the slides that contain the most important information that YOU WILL NEED to copy AND study ! Getting ALL of these notes (whether you are absent OR out of class) is YOUR responsibility!
4 Methods of Delivery Impromptu Method Extemporaneous Method Manuscript Method Memorized Method
Impromptu Method A spur of the moment presentation Speaker often speaks WITHOUT notes Speaker is given a few seconds to one minute to prepare a short talk. Take a minute to collect your thoughts (after given a topic or told to perform). Think of 2-3 points before saying anything.
Impromptu Method The BEST way to organize an IMPROMPTU speech is to look at the audience, introduce yourself, and… ___________________________________________ 1. INTRODUCE yourself and the topic that you will be speaking about. 2. SHARE the information you want to 3. CONCLUDE by summarizing what you shared with them.
Extemporaneous Method An outline is prepared BUT speaker does not plan each word or sentence Outlines are put on note cards or a single sheet of paper using key words/phrases Introduction and conclusion are carefully planned and strong—introduction and conclusions are often memorized. Extemporaneous method is most often used in public speaking! **It allows time to respond to audience questions/concerns
Manuscript Method Speaker writes out entire speech and delivers from typed or written paper. Speaker knows content (ideas/information of speech) so well that they can look at the audience often enough to establish EFFECTIVE eye contact. Manuscript method is important to use when you MUST …. (1)…be sure to say exactly what you mean (2)…have a very tight time limit (3)…have very detailed information to present.
Manuscript Method (cont.) You, as the speaker, may go through 2-3 drafts as you write your ideas, read them out loud, and then revise. ________________________________________ DISADVANTAGES : Speaker (may) never look at the audience because they are too busy trying to stay on point Speaker (may) never move—can’t leave manuscript Cannot adapt to audience feedback or maintain eye contact if you READ to audience
Speakers write out a manuscript (text, script, document, etc.) and MEMORIZE it verbatim (word for word). Memorized method does take a lot of work, BUT it leaves speaker free to move and look directly at audience because there is no need for notes !
DISADVANTAGES : 1. The speaker ONLY remembers words and not particularly the ideas. 2. If words are not attached to main ideas, speaker will possibly have difficulty thinking on their feet if they forget one word. In other words, the speaker may have a hard time improvising.
…for today that is!!!
On the note card provided for you: 1. Write which method of delivery the speaker in your assigned clip ( A, B, C, or D ) used. 2. Briefly explain WHY you chose the method you did.
Journal # —4/15 Respond to the following: Is there anything about the 4 Speech Delivery Methods that YOU do not understand?
PERSONAL DELIVERY Cross your “t’s” and dot your “i’s” as you present in the following nonverbal areas: Appearance Voice Facial Expression Eye Contact Gestures Movement
“I kept getting distracted by all her shiny, sparkling jewelry.”
Appear confident! Remember the audience looks at your clothes, hair, posture, movements, and mannerisms and creates an impression of you. You MAY dress differently for a classroom speech presentation (with permission of the teacher/administration). Your appearance needs to support your message, NOT distract the listener.
Volume: loudness or softness of one’s voice Rate: speed at which you speak No voiced pauses—”ah”, “um”, “you know”, “like” Pitch: highness or lowness of one’s voice High pitch—expresses excitement or pleasure Low pitch—expresses sadness or seriousness Vocal Quality: the actual sound of one’s voice Raspy, whiney, squeaky, etc.
Clarity is the clearness of speaker’s words It is a total distraction to the listener when words are mispronounced. ______________________________________________________ EXAMPLES: INCORRECT: CORRECT: GodeGold Eatin’Eat-ing AmoniaPneu-mon-ia AthuletixAth-le-tics AxedAsked SettembaSept-em-ber Shoulda/should ofshould have
Use expressions that are APPROPRIATE to the content (ideas/information) of the speech. ______________________________________________ _ For example: An excited and animated face sends the nonverbal message that the speaker is interesting and believes the topic is important. For example: NO smile sends the nonverbal message that speaker is totally not interesting and could care less about the topic they are presenting.
I promise you the best summer of your life if you work at Adventure Land. It is a great honor to speak to this group today. I could hardly wait to get here. I want to talk about one of our country’s most serious problems—the war on terrorism. It is time to welcome our winning basketball coach, Coach LeBron James. Let’s give our favorite coach a great big DeSoto West welcome!
Gestures are movements of the head, shoulders, hands, or arms to EMPHASIZE points. Don’t want to overuse gestures because they are likely to become a _____________ to the audience.
How do YOU predict a speaker would gesture or move while saying the following statements? He center crouched, and then exploded with a winning three-point basket. As the earth moves around the sun, we experience night and day. There are three—only three—major issues in this campaign.
Movement makes messages clearer to audience.
Movement DO’S Take a few steps during major turning points in your speech. Face audience in same direction you are moving. Stand balanced on both feet with your weight forward. DON’TS Pace back and forth Gesture all the time Rest your weight on one foot (causes a loss of balance) Play with any (loose) objects (in your pocket or on podium)
Don’t tap on the microphone to test it. Say, “Test one, two, three.” Don’t stand too close to the microphone; it magnifies each sound. Don’t look at the microphone while speaking. Don’t yell or raise your voice when using a microphone. Don’t let the microphone block your face as you speak. Don’t swing the microphone on it’s cord.
…again for today that is!!!