Booster Beam Notching Installation Update PIP Talk Salah Chaurize February 20, 2013
Notching Pre-Shutdown – A 3 bucket gap is created using two kickers located at Long 5 and Long 12 Notcher – A High Voltage(55kV) Kicker at Long 5 Noker - Lower Voltage Kicker (20-40 kV) at Long 12 – Used to clean out remnant Notched Beam in buckets At 700 MeV – Beam is kicked vertically into collimator region at Long 6 and Long 13 with upstream gradient magnets seeing some deposited notched beam loss. – The notch timing and synchronization is accomplished by modules in the Booster LLRF Room and local timing modules. – Beam notch for non-cogged cycles occurs at 400 Mev – Cogged notch occurs close to 700 MeV
Notching Post Shutdown – A 3 bucket gap is created using three 1M Long kickers located at Long 12 3 Notchers – High Voltage(46kV) Kicker at Long 12 Notcher converted to NOKA Noker converted to NOKB Build/Commission new NOKC. – Beam is kicked Horizontally into new absorber at Long 13 – The notch timing and synchronization is accomplished by modules in Booster LLRF Room. (Same as before) – Extra Wide Aperture BPM and Short Corrector Spool needed. – Beam notch for non-cogged cycles occurs at 400 Mev. (Same as before) – Cogged notch occurs close to 700 MeV. (Same as before)
The Notch 3 Bucket Notch Width non-cogged Cycle 400MeV Cogged Cycle ~700MeV Extraction Loss
L5 Notcher Current Location Notcher magnet will be moved to L12 Vertical Pinger magnet will be removed from L12 and put here in its placeNotcher Hor. Pinger
L5 Notcher Power supply components such as these Will need to be moved to support Long 12 region CX1168 tube Low Level equipment CX1168 tube cabinet
L12 Pre-shutdown De-commissioned Horz. Pinger Ver. Pinger Noker MKS04 Beam direction
L12 Post Shutdown NOKC MKS04 NOKB NOKA
Kicker magnets rotated to kick Horizontally
Kicker Magnet Beam tubes exposed for alignment
L12 Noker & Extraction Kicker MKS04 Power supply components such as these will need to be installed/relocated to support notch2 & notch3 in east Booster Gallery CX1168 tube cabinet Beam sync Modules and other NIM crate Support modules.
Make Room For 2 more systems In East Gallery
Current Configuration In East Gallery NOKA NOKB NOKC goes Here
Current Configuration In East Gallery Noker PS Charging Resistors and load resistors
Current Configuration In East Gallery NIM Gate Modules Altera Based CAMAC Controls and Ramp Cards LeCroy Delay modules & CAMAC Trigger
Current Configuration In East Gallery Absorber Motion Controls
Current Configuration In East Gallery NOKA NOKB NOKC MKS04
Long 13 Beam direction Before After Standing at downstream end of absorber
Long 13 Notched beam absorber Beam direction Before After
Long 13 New absorber
Looking upstream towards L13 30” 75” 10 ‘ Before After
Reason to redesign S12 Spool piece Need to kick beam horizontally at L12 with beam Nokers to create a notch in the beam. Current aperture restriction at S12 is BPM plates and upstream and down stream bellows which are all 4.5in.
Reason to redesign S12 Spool piece New Extra Wide aperture BPM will give us 5 in aperture with new spool. New spool would use some of original spool design without the standard BPM components inside and larger aperture bellows at magnet spool flanges
Extra Wide Aperture BPM
S12 Corrector Original Standard aperture 4.5 Inch
S12 Corrector New 5” Aperture Spool
Preliminary Results and Commissioning – Using 2 Nokers to create gap in beam at 400MeV – S12 New BPM giving data but needs some gain tweaks – Absorber motion controls working well. – Notched beam loss is currently low due to low intensity running but is as expected.
Preliminary Results and Commissioning
NOKA(CH1) & NOKB(CH2) Notched Bunches
Thanks to: - L13 Notched Beam Absorber Assembly- PPD Experiment Fabrication- L13 Absorber Build and Assembly D.Erickson, J. Judd, W. Blaszynski, W. Gatfield V. Sidorov - L13 Absorber Mechanical Design APC Energy Deposition Simulations by- N.Mokhov, I. Tropin, S.Drozhdin M. Coburn L13 Absorber Motion Controls -L12, S12, L13 Upgrade Support- Mechanical Support/ Instrumentation Groups – L13/S12 BPM and Corrector R. Reily, B. Ogert, J. Kubinski, J. Briney,D. Wallace, J. Fitzgerald Controls Group CAMAC modules Booster Techs - Power supply and load reconfiguration New timing module build and support electronics R. Mraz, T. Boes, D. Dick Operations - Database work, O. Marshall, R. Jones AMG-L12, S12,L13 alignment Radiation Safety – Joel Fulgham Consultation – J. Lackey, B. Pellico Machine Shop, Welding Shop Many More I missed