I will talk about Ares Greek God of war. Who is he, basic story strengths, weaknesses, major temple cites, and interesting facts.
Ares is the violence god in Greek mythology. He was not well liked or trusted by the Greeks and there are few tales about him. Athena is also a war god, but well-respected.
Ares is the sole son of the supreme Greek god Zeus and his wife, Hera. Neither of his far-from-mild-mannered parents were said to be too fond of their even more irritable son; a little more loving from them might have resulted in Ares being just the God of Minor Conflicts.Zeus
The spear. He is also associated with vultures and dogs.
Decisive, determined, fearless.
Impulsive, bloodthirsty, raring for a fight regardless of the consequences.
Ares enjoyed his strongest worship in the Northern Greece territory of Thracia or Thrace. As few people wanted to invoke war, temple sites are rare.
Ares is considered to be brutal and uncivilized. He was one of the most important of the Roman gods and an entire month of the year was dedicated to him. We still call the third month of the year, March, in his honor. They built temples for him and honored him by many celebrations during the year.
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