Welcome to 7 th Grade Math Mrs. LaSpina
7 th Grade This year is a new start for you in Math. Together you and I will work to help you reach your goals.
Supplies to bring every day Green Binder with filler paper divided into 3 sections: homework, quizzes, Chapter Tests Pencils – please try to sharpen pencils in homeroom before you come to class Your textbook
Mathematics is the cheapest science. Unlike physics or chemistry, it does not require any expensive equipment. All one needs for mathematics is a pencil and paper. - George Polya
Calculator usage In general, calculators will not be used except for special problems and lessons.
Calculator usage There will be a few times during the year when we will use a calculator. I will let you know ahead of time if you need to bring it. DO NOT bring a calculator to class unless I tell you to.
Your Math grade will be based upon the following: 1) Daily Homework 2) Frequent quizzes (approximately every 1 – 1 ½ weeks) 3) Unit or Chapter tests (approximately every 3 – 4 weeks) 4) In class projects or activities (several times throughout the year) What will I be graded on?
Homework will be assigned about 3 or 4 times per week, Monday through Thursday, and may be assigned from your textbook or worksheets that I will give you. Each homework assignment will be worth 5 points and will be due the next class period unless otherwise instructed. If your homework is one day late, you will receive only 2 points. After that it will not be accepted. Homework
More On Homework Math homework MUST be done in pencil and all work MUST be shown. Homework MUST be done individually- no students are to work together on homework unless I specifically assign partner work or group work. If you are found working together, you will receive a 0 on the assignment.
Homework is based upon completion, not necessarily correctness. I will check your homework individually at your desk at the beginning of the next class period to make sure you have completed the assigned work. We will then go over the correct answers and you will make any corrections to your work in pen. Keep all homework assignments in your math binder.
Always do your homework!! It is EXTREMELY important that you do all of the assigned homework. The problems I assign are designed to help you learn important math concepts and skills. Practicing these problems is one of the best ways to learn them. Remember “practice makes perfect”.
No Homework on Fridays!
Setting Up Your Papers Your name and period of your math class should be in the upper right hand corner of all your papers along with the date. On the top line of your paper, you need to write the assignment. See example on board.
Quizzes Quizzes will generally be worth about 20 points and usually consist of 10 questions worth 2 pts. Each. Math quizzes are always announced in class 2 or 3 days before I give them (posted on homework board as well) and will be over the concepts we are discussing in class that week.
Chapter Tests Unit and Chapter Tests are generally worth 50 points. These will be announced ahead of time and we will review for them in class at least one day before you take the test.
Absences When you are absent you will have as many days as you are out to make up your work. You can always find your assignments on TeacherWeb. If you miss a quiz or test it is your responsibility to see me about a time to make it up.
Extra credit opportunities are provided to you in the form of the POW (Puzzle of the Week) which will be hanging in the back of the classroom over the study table as well as posted on TeacherWeb. This will be put up Monday or Tuesday of each week. You will have until Friday at the end of the day to turn it in. Each correct POW is worth 2 extra credit points. You may work on the POW with classmates, family members, etc. Turn in the question, answer AND all work you did to solve it in order to receive points.
If You Have Questions I am here to help you anytime – please see me if you need help or have questions. You may see me before school or during study hall if you have questions as long as you get permission from me first so that your homeroom teacher knows you are coming to see me.
I hope this year will be a wonderful “mathematicsperience” for you! And remember – Math is Fun!!
Go down deep enough into anything and you will find mathematics. - Dean Schlicter