Welcome to Back to School Night Math & Science Ms. Diana
Introducing Myself 4 th year Portola MS! Master’s in Education from University of Phoenix Bachelor’s of Science in Business Administration from University of Southern California
Progress Reports Portola hands out progress reports every 5 weeks (5, 10, 15, and 20 week) 5 and 15 hand-carried by your child 10 and 20 mailed directly home I progress reports around the same time as the 5, 10, 15, & 20 week progress reports If you do not have an and your child is struggling, I will print one out and it is due back the next day signed by you.
Agenda Book The agenda book is where the student writes down the classwork & homework everyday. It would be great if you could check their agenda daily and see if they completed all the homework. After you have checked the agenda book, please sign your the bottom of each day that you checked it. There are random agenda checks on Friday’s. I will sign it when I check it and look for your weekly signature.
Classroom Website It lists the agenda everyday. It shows extra credit (if any), upcoming tests & quizzes, homework, and classwork. You will be able to download PowerPoint's and some Science worksheets.
Grading Website You can access your child’s grades any time from anywhere that has Internet. Usernames and passwords will be sent home VERY soon! Set-up how often you want Jupiter Grades to you about your child’s grade. Absent / Late Work can take me up to 1 week to enter into Jupiter Grades (please be patient).
Extra Math Help Online Click Middle School Math, select CA as Your Location, and click GO! Title of Book is: California Math, Course 1 ©2008
Math/Science Standards Want to know what your son/daughter will be learning in Math/Science this year? I teach to the 6 th grade Common Core Mathematics Standards. The website is: I teach to the 6 th grade Next Generation Science Standards. The website is:
Earth Science Topics Plate tectonics EarthquakesVolcanoesErosion Rivers & Groundwater Earth’s Resources – material & energy resourced Ecology – biomes & living things Oceans & Atmosphere
Math Topics FractionsDecimalsIntegers Expressions & Equations InequalitiesPercents Ratios & Proportions Analyzing Data MeasurementGeometryAreaVolume
HoPE Fund The HoPE Fund is Portola’s Annual Giving Fund. It stands for Help Portola Excel! The money is used for: Classes including computers, drama, music, audio visual, art, foreign language, English, Math, Science, & History Field trip busses for all grades and classes Jupiter Grades for all grades and classes Your donation is 100% tax deductible. Public schools are free – GREAT public schools are not.
How to contact me? The best way to reach me is my . (818)
Thank You for Coming to Back to School Night