BELLWORK On an index card please write: Wiki Username (district log-in) Wiki Password Must hand in before bell rings.
CONSTITUTE BRAINSTORM On the Proposal Process Sheet: Individually write three rules that you would like changed. Explain the changes
SIMULATION ROLE: CONSTITUENT Constituents’ Role is to convince as many Senators and Representatives as possible to put constituents ideas on their list. Wait quietly & respectfully for permission to speak at other tables. Track progress of your proposal on the Proposal Process Sheet. (Rubric).
SIMULATION ROLE: SENATOR Listen to each constituent. Select 3-4 ideas. Be sure that at least one idea from all constituents is represented. Accurately represent ideas of the constituents. Pitch the selected ideas of your constituents to your committee. Help to craft the ideas into a proposal Vote on the proposals
SIMULATION ROLE: REPRESENTATIVE Listen to each constituent. Select 3-4 ideas. Be sure that at least one idea from all constituents is represented. Accurately represent ideas of the constituents. Pitch the selected ideas of your constituents to your committee. Help to craft the ideas into a proposal Vote on the proposals
LOBBY IDEAS Constituents lobby/pitch/sell their ideas to Representatives. Try to get your ideas on as many lists as possible (be respectful). Senators and Representatives listen, and narrow the 9 or 12 ideas to 3-4 ideas. Senators and Representatives write the 3-4 ideas on index cards to take to their committees tomorrow.
POST OBSERVATIONS Go to Zangkas13 Wiki and in pairs, post your observations on the discussion tab. Respond to two other posts.