Imperialist America America Expands Beyond Borders
Imperialism The policy of extending a nation’s authority over other countries by economic, political, or military means.
Everyone’s Doing It… At the turn of the 20 th century industrialized nations “scrambled” to colonize less developed nations.
A Race to Arms… U.S. Navy Admiral Alfred T. Mahan directed the development of a bigger navy…
We Need Resources…and Markets! Industrialists want raw materials to feed factories. The U.S. also searched for new markets to buy American products.
We Are Better Than You! U.S. imperialists argue that America is culturally superior to less developed countries. The U.S. will bring civilization to those in need.
William Seward – Secretary of State under Lincoln and Johnson arranged the purchase of Alaska from Russia for 2 cents an acre.
Ever been to Hawaii… 1875 – U.S. imports sugar “duty free.” 1887 – U.S. builds naval bases at Pearl Harbor McKinley Tariff established duty. –U.S. planters called for annexation
Hawaii Gets Punked… King Kalakaua was forced to change Hawaii’s constitution to limit voting rights. Following his death his sister, Queen Liliuokalani proposed a “Hawaii for Hawaiians” policy.
A Military Takeover… The Marines depose the Queen. A new government is headed by Sanford B. Dole. Dole Fruit is owned by Sanford Dole’s cousin…
President Cleveland was Cool Cleveland ordered the Queen to be reinstated. Dole refused…
McKinley Takes Hawaii 1897 – Congress proclaims Hawaii a U.S. territory.