The ATLAS Collaboration Prezent situation: 3000 physicists 174 intitutions - universities/institutes 38 counters all continents all continents More than 1000 PhD students More than workshops each months Slovak Republic Institute of Experimental Physis SAS, Košice Fakulty of Mathematical, Physics and Informatic Comenius University, Bratislava A T L A S c o l l a b o r a t i o n
Detektor ATLAS
LAr a Tile kalorimetre Tile barrelTile extended barrel LAr forward calorimeter (FCAL) LAr hadronic end-cap (HEC) LAr EM end-cap (EMEC) LAr EM barrel ÚEF SAV FMFaI UK
Hore: FEB elektronika ATLAS kalorimetrie Dole: HEC koleso, jedna z častí HEC kalorimetra Filter box a ich umiestnenie pre LAr kalorimetre Hardvérový vklad Slovenska
Contribution IEP SAS Košice to ATLAS - the proposal, development, realization, tests and maintenance „on-line“ (electronic) calibration for HEC - important participation in development of the “cold” electronics for HEC - the production of the distribution boards in the cryostat for HEC (signal, calibration and high voltage) - the production of the magnetic shielding and isolation's elements for low voltage sources - the filter production for regulation of the parameters for liquid argon (filter-boxes) - the proposal, tests and realization of the so called „on-line“ calibration procedure. Today this method figures among basic stones for all ATLAS calorimetry - with the close collaboration with Columbia university we made important contribution in electronic for all ATLAS calorimetry – the FEB (forward read-out boards) development - large method`s contribution to local hadron calibration (LHC) for all ATLAS calorimetry. LHC is today basic methods for signal proceedings in ATLAS calorimetry. - the contribution in Monte-Carlo simulation, testing radiation resistance of the liquid argon detectors - the analyze of the charge symmetry in the dilepton channel - the analyze of the production top antitop mechanism in the dilepton channel ATLAS kalorimetra (P. Stríženec, D. Bruncko, E. Kladiva, M. Seman)
Physics in Collision, XXXII, first time in Slovakia
Physics in Collision 2012, September 2012, Štrbské Pleso
Nevis12 chip - Dual channel, 12 bit ADC: 4-bit MDAC pipeline, + 8 bit SAR - ENOB ~11.5 bit, power 40mW/ch, latency 76.5ns - Submitted early November 2012 Upgrade