The Mongoose The meerkat is a part of the mongoose family. The mongoose family consists of over 30 different species of mongooses. The mongoose is a small carnivore that eats bugs, small reptiles, craps, and birds. Mongooses have long faces and bodies, small rounded ears, short legs, and tails.
Suricata Suricatta The meerkart is a small mammal in the mongoose family. Meerkats live in gangs, mobs, or clan. Each clan has about 20 or so members. The meerkat lives in dry barren lands. Meerkats are very territorial and aggressive when it comes to their clan
A meerkat group may die out because of predator attack, its alpha pair being unable to breed, starvation in a year when the rains fail, or epidemic disease. The clan has one member who stands guard and warns the group when there danger. There is usually on leader in the clan
Vision: Color. The dark eye markings act like built-in sunglasses. Feet: Non-retractable claws. Four toes. Ears: Closeable. Tail: 8 inches Toilet: Common latrine used by all members. Precociousness: Sexually mature at one year.
Meerkat Future As the meerkat evolves over time there are going to be some pretty significant changes. Their paws/claws will be bigger and more defined, which will help them be better burrowers They will have the same arm structure as the flying squirrel, which will help them have a bigger variety of food in the trees with a safe way to get down to the ground