Field Trip Jumbo メ s Pumpkin Patch By: Janice Carr
In Maryland Middletown Valley for 6 generations David Huffer runs farm with his family David also raises dairy cattle, corn and vegetables Have pet Ilama and two emus
Pumpkins start with a flower Bloom opens in the morning Must be pollinated by a bee or other insect before it closes Bee hives are next to the pumpkin fields to make sure the flowers get pollinated.
This young pumpkin is only one of thousands in the 15 acres The Huffer’s plant about 35 pounds of seeds in springtime and yields a variety of pumpkins
It takes between 3 and 4 months for a pumpkin to go from seed to a finish product. Pumpkins that aren't picked are allowed to die and put nutrients back into the ground Sometimes, they are feed to the neighbors cows for protein
In late September and October, Jumbo メ s Pumpkin Patch is open to visitors. You can take a hayride from the parking lot to the pumpkin field, pick your own pumpkins, and catch a ride back. Our thanks to Jumbo メ s Pumpkin Patch and the Huffer family in Middletown, Maryland, for their hospitality and help!
4u 2do Here you'll find cool tools to play with and things you can do yourself at home! It's all stuff 4u 2do! 1.You and your classroom can go on a hayride and talk about the different colors you find and the texture of the hay. 2.You can make a pumpkin pie and taste the flavors within the pie. 3.You and the class can do carving as an activity.
Thank You………Janice Carr